Muttaburrasaurus… we meet at last.
Muttaburrasaurus decided to come home with us.
RT @yow_oz: Ready for #yow16 tomorrow, Brisbane?
Sailing on a catamaran and swimming in Moreton Bay. So amazing. #nofilter
@mcflydesign Nice. @chrisdoble, doin’ God’s work.
@evanderkoogh It’s a grind, let me tell you.
@bazscott @haruki_zaemon I can ask the team for their perspective!
@DamonOehlman Large group walking to Brisbane Brewing Co
@DamonOehlman See which you can get a table for 8 for 🙂
@DamonOehlman Mark said beers at BBC were better
RT @desplesda: Pre-Brisbane speaker snacks! #yow16
@Cuff_S Yay! Excited to meet you. 😁
Lovely! – Drinking a Raspberry Saison by Brouhaha Brewery at @brisbrewingco —
“It makes me feel LIKE A GIANT.” – @IanDCrosby at @BrisBrewingCo #yow16
@jessitron And I told three old ladies in Melbourne how nice they looked. ONE WOMAN FRIENDLINESS TSUNAMI.
@chrisdoble DAYUMMMMM
@haruki_zaemon @bazscott Hm. I don’t think it’d be a good proxy. Topics don’t get retired because we’ve solved them.
@haruki_zaemon @bazscott Rather they follow the main trends in the industry… with some evergreen stuff in there too.
@haruki_zaemon @bazscott That’s my perception as someone new to the organising part of it, anyway. It’s not explicit.
@jstangroome @yow_oz @confui Thanks Jason. It’s being retired and replaced in the coming weeks!
That moment when @apaipi got everyone at #yow16 Brisbane to sing Happy Birthday to @unclebobmartin!
There are about 100M lines of code in the modern car (not a Tesla)… and that should scare you. You know what that code looks like! #yow16 😂
Nice to see @unclebobmartin giving Ada Lovelace a shout out in his #yow16 keynote!
And now Admiral Grace Hopper! @unclebobmartin making sure the women are represented today. ☺️ #yow16
RT @unixbigot: The first generation of programmers had other real business experience before coding. What can we learn from that? #yow16
@anton21 BCECLINK works for me without password!
@anton21 If there is, they didn’t tell me. 😂
RT @arburbank: The problem with Obamacare per Bob Martin: “a law was passed that mandated a date when a software system had to be ready.” H…