Last minute HP cold feet…

I think I’m having cold feet. It’s just over twelve hours til the first showing of Prisoner of Azkaban and everything’s ready: the scarf is finished, my badges have been ironed-on, my skirt is pressed. Now I’m just fearing that I’m going to look like a really big dork. What if there aren’t a lot of people there? We are talking noon on a Thursday, and it’s not even a school holiday. Am I going to look like a big freak? Should I care?


4 responses to “Last minute HP cold feet…”

  1. Ben

    Don’t care. It’s great. I saw it on an IMAX screen in Denver on monday night…

  2. Eileen

    what?? no, you won’t look like a freak, you’ll just look like a harry potter fan who’s having some fun. go for it!

  3. Yeah, just go, be a big dork and have fun!

  4. Claire

    Life is too short, who cares if you look like a dork. Post some pics!