The final tenet of the Scribe’s Oath: I will never stop learning and improving my craft. Why we’re all here today! #yow16 @unclebobmartin
Listening to @cmeik and @caitie’s entertaining tag team talk on history and challenges of distributed computing. #yow16
“So Halo 4 looked really pretty but my life was AWFUL…” @caitie talking about the realities of performance trade-offs. #yow16
“All of your assumptions start breaking when things increase by orders of magnitude” @caitie on her Finagle & RPC experience @twitter #Yow16
“There be dragons…” @apaipi on why focus on 100% resource (people) allocation can lead to destroyed teams & lack of time to learn. #yow16
Business likes MVP because they can make 💰, but value is really in “walking skeleton” to get feedback. @apaipi #yow16
A lot of giggles and groans as @apaipi walks us through Manifesto for Half-Arsed Software Development. Relevant to many folks’ exp. #yow16
RT @RMcKergow: Agile transformations are hard & a long journey. Know where the company is at & want to be within the Agile fluency model. @…
Yes, @apaipi went full hobbit for her #yow16 talk. That’s commitment to a theme!
Less than 80 tickets left for #BeeropsMegaMixer on Thursday in Sydney Sponsored by @yow_oz – hope to see you there!
@Cuff_S We get the numbers via the votes at the end. It’s faster! 😀
@apaipi @jchyip And I just thought it was a metaphor – didn’t realise Walking Skeleton was a Thing!
That first sticky is the hardest. Best to have unlimited modelling space to encourage freedom & digging in. #yow16
So many people taking notes in @thepaulrayner’s excellent EventStorming talk! #yow16
RT @DamianM: Observation about #yow16 so far.. all the micro service focus is now about async and resilience. Suspect lots of people burnt…
“From a Domain-Driven Design perspective, that makes me a sad panda.” 🐼 @thepaulrayner on devs not using domain-specific terms #yow16
@Cuff_S @unixbigot We send out a survey link but we don’t get much back. Best feedback is given directly to speaker in a chat!
Structured, intensive activities like EventStorming and Mob Programming optimise for learning. @thepaulrayner #yow16 @WoodyZuill
Wow. The AU and US governments make a lot of open data sets available. @BernHyland #yow16
Just publishing data in a CSV isn’t enough. There’s a lot of missing context. @BernHyland #yow16
Bailiwick – not a word you hear in a lot of tech talks! #impressed @BernHyland #yow16
RT @RMcKergow: Great how to session on Event Storming for understand how systems interact and highlight gaps in knowledge. Thanks @thepaulr…
Knitted viruses! Punch cards! Hacked knitting machines! CANDY! 🍫 Don’t forget my #yow16 talk Tuesday at 2:10 in Green room. Guaranteed fun.
RT @BernHyland: Congrats @LareneLg @Cuff_S! See you in 2017! Thanks @yow_oz for putting #womenintech & community central to all that you…
“Hi! I run a company. We’re pretty feral.” 😂 @lady_nerd #yow16
RT @desplesda: All set. #yow16
“Back in the day I was a penetration tester, which meant I did bad things to good people for money.” – @lady_nerd #yow16 LOLOL
“Threat landscape. Horrible word. Sounds very hipster. But the toasters are coming…” @lady_nerd #yow16
RT @GavinOsborn: #yow16 was also notable for it’s great women-in-tech line-up this year @caitie @randommood @jessitron @rebeccaparsons @ewe…
“How do you know the difference on StackOverflow between a good person and someone trying to compromise a network? Just a thought…” #yow16
Don’t be Batman. Be a meerkat! #meepmeepmeep @lady_nerd #yow16
RT @mjpt777: Awesome intro to security by @lady_nerd. Should seen by all. #yow16
Once again, @DrBrianRLittle has the crowd rolling at #yow16 with his excellent talk on personality types.
RT @BernHyland: Behind the scenes, @web_goddess chats with @lady_nerd on the golden age of computing #yow16 @yow_oz #womenintech https://t.…
RT @unixbigot: Inspiring closing keynote from @DrBrianRLittle. You had to be there. #yow16
@KatanSAPDevelop @ghohpe @lady_nerd More awesome ladies tomorrow too! 😉 #yow16
RT @BernHyland: Great to make new friends at #yow16, thanks @yow_oz!
More than ever the global tech community needs to collaborate! https:/…
See, Brisbane? I told ya! 2:10pm today in the Green room. 😁 #yow16
@MichelePlayfair YAYYYYY
@lexy_jane YESS! Please knit through my talk – I’d ❤️ that!!
@KathyReid Seriously? That’s so cool!!
@KathyReid @DigitalGeelong @creativegeelong Let me know if it happens. I’ll put my hand up now to spruik, speak, judge – whatever you need!
“Architecture is whatever your org thinks is hard. Whatever they find difficult to change.” Some definitions from @rebeccaparsons #yow16
@rosepowell WOW, congratulations! Recommendation: Code – The Hidden Language of Computers by Charles Petzold. Taught me lots!
RT @PeterSellars: Evolutionary Architecture is contextual to your system, find out what is most important to your system @rebeccaparsons @t…
Architectural fitness functions must be specific and testable. “The system must be maintainable” doesn’t work. @rebeccaparsons #yow16
I love the fact that #yow16 speakers see many talks on tour, and then they start referencing each other and tying themes together!