@u1traq Yep, I was tweeting during his keynote.
RT @WoodyZuill: I’m packed and ready to head to #yow16 Sydney. Thanks to the organizers, volunteers, speakers, and attendees for a great B…
@delitescere @conors10 I’ve met him, and I’m not sure either.
@stphnwallace Looks fun – but geez, I see like 2 women there! We need to work on that. 🙂
Only a handful of tickets left – don’t miss out on this fun event! #BeeropsMegaMixer Sponsored by @yow_oz https://t.co/J2dkdr3LUQ
RT @malgroves: Getting excited for @yow_oz Sydney tomorrow. Best Aus Tech conference of the year, every year.
@darthted The mark of a good conference!
Yep, @hadinahari is a deadset legend. #yow16 https://t.co/NGsljheMIo https://t.co/5P8z9lpbOl
Final leg of #yow16 tour… and the one where I get to sleep in my own bed! (@ Gate 43 – @brisbaneairport) https://t.co/cqxg5MMweF
RT @jenna_payette: Anyone else need to thoroughly soak their brain after the end of yesterdays #yow16?! So many fun, new things to tinker w…
Still hoping to make it to #ctosummit for @darthted and @mark_sabbatical‘s talks! #comeontaxi #yow16
Made it in time to catch the second half of @philchan612′s #ctosummit talk on some of his experiences at IBM! #yow16 https://t.co/2u5tRIw5ow
Very nice of @mark_sabbatical to start his #ctosummit talk with a Welcome to Country. And yay, women from computing history! https://t.co/Zr0k1aa6bk
“Privacy questions are the tobacco questions of the 21st century.” We’ll realise things are BAD soon! @asymco @mark_sabbatical #ctosummit
There appear to be no free candy bars at this event. *glares at @delitescere* +1 to @simonraikallen #ctosummit
Last #ctosummit speaker is @darthted, dispelling some of the myths of distributed teams. https://t.co/U7lmMJFyta
Hidden costs of remote teams: travel, facilities, recruitment, training, comms equipment (critical!), legals, salaries. @darthted #ctosummit https://t.co/v6GaaR4PrN
Haha, @darthted confessing he got his Manifesto idea from @simonraikallen at last year’s #ctosummit! “Well worth every penny…”
In the end, conventional wisdom is not that wise. Key takeaway from @darthted’s excellent and useful #ctosummit talk! https://t.co/GnVvjLGTWs
And here’s PC member @delitescere capping off the 2016 Sydney #ctosummit and giving #yow16 a lovely testimonial! https://t.co/wZeZJ92cWz
@nunami Go back in time and buy your ticket prior to last week. 🙁 Sorry – I think they’re all gone.
@caitie @randommood I’m in the lobby!
Special @yow_oz @WWCSyd crossover event kicking off at Atlassian. Great job @lucykbain and @jedws for pulling it together! https://t.co/85AaXnyhtM
First speaker is @randommood talking about the Fallacy of Fast. #wwcsyd #yow16 https://t.co/mlSMv3NXnG
First mistake companies make trying to move fast is deprioritising tests. – @randommood #wwcsyd #yow16 https://t.co/6KUYUZbuXZ
Some form of monitoring dashboard should be part of your MVP. Don’t deprioritise insights. @randommood #wwcsyd #yow16 https://t.co/sowkMnRhXs
Deprecate your go-to person. Hero culture of tech actually results in knowledge silos. It’s not good for your organisation. #wwcsyd #yow16 https://t.co/ZrdYSvwxZ1
Next @rebeccaparsons is telling us why we should care about evolutionary architecture. tl;dr Things are moving faster! #wwcsyd #yow16 https://t.co/rWajDRKObY
You define what’s good for your organisation, and then you design your architecture to fit and support that. @rebeccaparsons #wwcsyd #yow16 https://t.co/mnKKfbpVkd
“I’m from Thoughtworks, so I have to mention testing. It’s the law.” 😂 @rebeccaparsons #wwcsyd #yow16 https://t.co/vdvkW4qqyu
Last speaker is @caitie talking about distributed systems and eventual consistency. #wwcsyd #yow16 https://t.co/RD9NVPilat
“[I]t is desirable…to permit users to continue modifying resources…when the networked is partitioned.” Quoth @caitie: “DUH” 😂 #wwcsyd #yow16 https://t.co/Xa1PQJyALA
Hey look – @cmeik gets a shoutout in @caitie’s slides! #wwcsyd #yow16 https://t.co/7LxS0lVf2m
@eisabai @yow_oz I’m just sorry I missed it! I heard you did really well. 🙂
@leonardo_borges @yow_oz 👋
@TheRealBnut The temptation was too great. https://t.co/lYWOqLLXZL
@rosepowell @TheRealBnut Oh bloody hell. He did. Including SWEATERS. 😂
@rosepowell @TheRealBnut I’d like to point out that I didn’t randomly pick HTML. It was suggested!
Friends at #yow16: I’ve seen a fair few of the talks now, so DM me if you want advice on which ones are DON’T MISS!
@james_zaki @rebeccaparsons @yow_oz We do record them, so you can watch in a few weeks if you like. 🙂
RT @seansonbronson: Shout out to @dius_au for doing a crèche service at #yow16. Good to see that work life balance.
RT @evolvable: If you’re at @yow_oz #yow16 in SYD today, remember to:
1) have fun
2) learn heaps
3) visit the @Tyro stand for a chance to w…
Sydney – LOVING your energy. I can’t wait for you to see all the amazing talks today! #yow16 😊
“It’s a wonder that any of us get in cars at all!” – @unclebobmartin #yow16 😂 https://t.co/nvPIvOkAbn
RT @azadehkhojandi: Programmers rule the world 🙂 We need to make sure our code meets higher standard to avoid regulation @yow_oz #yow16 @u…
Highlight of the morning so far was getting to introduce @azadehkhojandi to her coding idol @unclebobmartin! #fangirl #yow16 https://t.co/cg8lJoKzO7
RT @desplesda: Sydney’s YOW conference kicks off! #yow16 https://t.co/4dV0mYC0p6
Very full in the Blue room for @IanDCrosby’s talk on Going Cloud Native with Docker! #yow16 (cameo by @notsolonecoder) https://t.co/WJRp0zvX7d
Some fun Easter eggs in @IanDCrosby’s demo microservice reference application. 😂 #yow16 https://t.co/yWq7Gw9ydm
RT @seansonbronson: “Cloud: the worst term that’s been forced upon us” @IanDCrosby #yow16
Comparing containers to virtual machines. Containers are smaller, faster to initialise, more flexible. – @IanDCrosby #yow16 https://t.co/ejKdzfSgTB
Live demo! “It runs really fast because it’s all from cache, because I. don’t. trust. conference. wi-fi.” Wisdom from @IanDCrosby #yow16 https://t.co/yspfayZNXI