@pyko @lucykbain You can with one ingredient… never tried two!
@pyko @lucykbain It does! Just have to comma separate them. I never knew that. https://t.co/ayaieQkfxW
@darthted @pyko @lucykbain Beef or chicken stock is one of the ingredients. 🙂
This was me, all day today. https://t.co/KeYHp3vyvL
RT @andee_marks: With dodgy gender binarism assumptions, the #yow_oz %age of female speakers since 2012 has been 2.7%, 7.5%, 19.5%, 16.6%,…
RT @andee_marks: Great effort by the speakers and the #yow_oz organisers for moving the needle: looking forward to parity before 2020