RT @climagic: 37, the age at which Grace Hopper joined the Navy, learned logic and later invented the compiler. Its never too late to start.
@EvaNahari @yow_oz On the plus side, I got to spend so much time with you that I actually heard that *in your voice* when I read it. 🙂
@gilmae @redambition I had to look it up. Was worried there you thought it was shit. 🙂 (Did you see the new little version??)
@gilmae @redambition Wait. What I thought was the little Anova is another brand – actually second on that list. DOH.
Note to self: Need to cut down knitting talk TODAY so you can deliver for these fine @linuxconfau folks! https://t.co/dPVNxdetMd
Just discovered @NatDudley’s talk at LCA and realised she’s going to blow mine out of the water. And that’s fine! https://t.co/PpdtmRNzmi
@gilmae @linuxconfau Yeah, but it went from 5min to 40 and now it needs to go to 20. 😂
@NatDudley Mine’s at WOOTConf. It’s a cut-down version of one I just did at YOW: https://t.co/oVmWWfvuse. Very similar, I suspect!!
Slides from my #yow16 talk Knit One, Compute One are now online! #binary #computation https://t.co/7R4M5yZwt9 https://t.co/IoVzFQpSu5