Shared today on Twitter

RT @ThePracticalDev: Remember that hardware project you were so excited about?

@lucykbain I’ve been a couple of the events in the past. I saw Anita Sarkeesian speak there last year, maybe?

@lucykbain I’m definitely looking at getting tickets for some of the talks this year, if you want to join up!

TIL that @sammy_lee12 used @canva for her slides! “I was going for fun, and I didn’t have to look at fonts or anything!” 😀 @themaninblue

2016 sucked in a lot of ways, but seeing stuff like this gives me hope and cheer. Go @hannahcancode! (Need a junior? HIRE HER, PEOPLE.) 👏

Wow, a lot of first timers for the final #ggdsyd of the year! Can’t wait for @ImaMiri11, @notsolonecoder, & @joannaferrari48′s talks. 🙂

Here’s @ImaMiri11 kicking things off by talking about my favourite topic – the positive qualities of being a perfectionist. 😂 #ggdsyd

Waitwaitwait… CONS? *cough* @knitterjp is laughing behind me and sending snarky SMS. Hermione is identifying a little too much. #ggdsyd

Sometimes good enough is good enough. Well said, @ImaMiri11. #ggdsyd

@bazscott @ImaMiri11 Unfortunately not recording tonight, but maybe we can convince her to do it at a Melbourne meetup some time!

2nd talk is @notsolonecoder talking about how people respond to setbacks and challenges. Helpless response vs Mastery response. #ggdsyd

OHAI IMPOSTER SYNDROME. Damn, #ggdsyd is relevant tonight. “Women underrepresented in fields where success believed to require brilliance.”

Every time I hear @joannaferrari48 speak, I come away feeling touched and inspired. She’s amazing, and she’s overcome so much. #ggdsyd

RT @sxywu: Excited to finally share “An Interactive Vis of Every Line in #Hamilton”! Filled with analysis & colorful #dataviz 😍 https://t.c…
