TIL Canadian tech unicorns (companies worth $1B) are called narwhals. LOL. 🍁🦄🐋 https://t.co/yaWr5BcVED
@hannahcancode A fair bit of sewing, and a fair bit of dodgy hacking with PHP. 🙂
@georgiecel I don’t write code professionally anymore, but I did for several years. And I’ve got a Film & Theater degree. 😆
One of my fave talks from #yow16 Dr. Brian Little’s Personalities at Work. SO GOOD! Worth a watch. https://t.co/dAz9VdFlnl
GREAT HERA – Sewing project complete! Wonder Woman top drafted by me (based on @colettepat… https://t.co/zraKJfxCRk https://t.co/loCr4M1Evq
Realisation: BBC version of P&P both starts and ends with Bingley seeking Darcy’s approval. (This is so good. I ❤️ it.) https://t.co/sOjjciVlvR
@randommood Yep. I’ve seen it a dozen times, but I catch something new every time. So good.
“Shall we be quite safe here, Mr Darcy?” @the_snook and I quote that one a lot, whenever we go someplace slightly sketchy. https://t.co/krmgfW2haH
Darcy definitely has a fixed mindset as opposed to a growth mindset. Eh, @lucykbain? https://t.co/fRQKvjfxJK
No, YOU’RE live-tweeting P&P.
Mary Bennett is one of those jerks who think calling it “sportsball” is really cutting and clever.
I still can’t believe they aged up Mrs. Foster to play the Queen Mother in The Crown. https://t.co/sJgIzYRWHp
Realisation: the Bennet girls (except Jane) are wearing the same dresses at the first two parties. Shows their relative poverty? https://t.co/jQNH35YFUe
More symmetry. Eliza’s arrival on foot at Netherfield, surprising Darcy, exactly mirrors Darcy’s entrance at Pemberley later! https://t.co/Tre9VN4NRv
FOINE EYES. One of Duckface’s greatest moments! https://t.co/UqDRgbDly7
Why do Darcy’s emotional breakthroughs always happen when he’s wet? It is just how it makes Colin Firth’s hair so dreamy? https://t.co/N5cGCn6XSc
Jane Bennet – kickass wingwoman. https://t.co/e2ot9dWrRA
Mr. Collins’s part is straight-up ON THE BACK OF HIS HEAD. Love your work, BBC hairdresser! https://t.co/I5lrXnIcfH
Colin Firth literally spends his first hour of screen time just stalking the edges of parties and glowering. *swoon* https://t.co/mqdGTRy5wq
@lucykbain I’m cooking dinner now – might have to resume tomorrow!
“Shelves in the closet? Happy thought, indeed.” I had to run in from the kitchen for that one. Gets heavy usage from me in hotels. 🙂 https://t.co/Rn5zvOk2dx
“Go, go. I would not wish you back again.” OOOH, BURN. 🔥 https://t.co/kcp5v4sy37
Kitty’s big moment: “What a laugh if I should fall and break my head!” “I WISH YOU WOULD.” 😂 https://t.co/1yVvvnQXWB
“It’s above 18 degrees; time for the Englishman to get naked.” – @the_snook https://t.co/WWf4fR3xON
Aaaand there’s the reverse of the Netherfield scene! That’s Lizzie’s “OH FOR F*CK’S SAKE” face. https://t.co/n54z6IlIyl
@mmastertheone @the_snook 😱
THE LOOK. (Yeah, they were totally doing it.) https://t.co/Z4aUf6mGVx
Mr. Hurst is my spirit animal. https://t.co/7jFVnFT1Xg
It seriously took me like five viewings to spot Kitty peeking in from outside while Mr. Collins is shaming everyone. 😂 https://t.co/IExvcXcNZW
Seriously, Lydia, you ran off with a man in STIRRUP PANTS? https://t.co/wBgARhu5HO
And that’s it! “Dearest, loveliest Elizabeth…” *melts* https://t.co/1zqUOxjlw5
@lucykbain I was actually thinking we need to record a podcast commentary, like MST3K style. Preferably while drinking A LOT.
@lucykbain YES! More rules: Whenever Hill is seen dressed like a giant baby; Whenever Mr. Collins is a tool; When Kitty gets crapped on
@ninjaspag Yes! LOOP THE LOOP, RUDOLPH!
@ninjaspag I think of that movie every time I read or hear the word “puce.”
@KTunravels No, at least a dozen. I just didn’t notice Kitty there until the 5th time. 🙂
Christmas without kids: I got to sleep in, but I woke up to the merry sounds of a cat puking. Happy holidays, everyone!