Shared today on Twitter

@troyhunt Just read your post on things conf org’s do to piss off speakers. 🙂 Agree on pretty much all of it.

@troyhunt Any ideas how org’s can reduce risk of bad presos/slide decks without imposing deadlines or templates?

RT @yow_oz: Searching for devs & engineers willing to share their stories & lessons learned at @yowwest17. CFP now open!…

@rosepowell @DDsD I use Tweetdeck on desktop and Tweetbot on phone. I never see them, ever.

@rosepowell @DDsD iOS only, I believe. 🙁 But I’m sure someone has an equivalent/knockoff.

@catehstn Salome, I’m guessing?

@catehstn Which, duh, everyone else has already mentioned. I need more coffee.

@NicoleWill100 @rosepowell @DDsD Complicated question. Refer to

@DDsD @rosepowell Interestingly, Twitter actually bought Tweetdeck. It’s owned by them now. I have no idea why it doesn’t have ads.

Wow. A “coworking” space with only one hour’s wifi. I guess I’ll go over to Broadway, @CentralParkSyd.

@troyhunt I agree – there’s a lot more onus on the PC to pick good talks and speakers.

Just sittin’ in the food court, approving my own PRs and merging branches. 💅

@gilmae Honestly, it’s because I couldn’t figure out how to merge my branch otherwise. 😂 #gitnoob

@gilmae I can’t remember your arcane incantations, not with this headache. I’m playing with the gui. 🙂

@gilmae Mostly Github Desktop. Ever used it? I’ve used cli too, but I’m rusty and it helps me to visualise.

Successfully debugged a mothereffin’ regular expression ALL BY MYSELF.

@gilmae Oh cool – got it! Much simpler. Thanks for that. Somehow missed the “Merge into…” item before. 🙂

@mage0r @stibbons @linuxconfau I’m keen – but what level of hardware experience do you need to have?

@mage0r Done! I submitted. 🙂 Might put in for a lightning talk too. Could do a bit of my knitting talk from WOOTConf. 😀

@gilmae Incidentally, if you feel like doing any critiquing…

@recompilermag Dr. Brian Little’s talk on Personalities at Work from @yow_oz #yow16.

@mage0r @chixors I was just tweet stalking the both of you. Very cool. I’m hand knitter; haven’t ventured into machines… yet.

@chixors @mage0r The 5min version from TEDx Melbourne is online:

@WearyMonkey You use Twitter so little, getting a Like from you always makes my day. 😊

HOLY CRAP. Netflix has a 4hr+ long Slow TV show about Norwegian knitting! This + rosé = MY FRIDAY NIGHT. (Thanks @knitterjp.)

The sheep is so chill this is amaaaaazing.

“It smells great in here,” she says. I BET. (PS I want her jumper.)

Rolf is explaining the finer points of staple length. Marry me, Rolf.

@stibbons Haha, they also used #knittv, apparently.

She’s interviewing Guri the sheep. 😂 #knittv

“The inferior part of the wool.” I suspect that’s the part with poo on it. #knittv

The microphone cover is knitted! 😳 Yes, life is indeed good. #knittv

Now they’re trash-talking the Aussies (who held the world record). WATCH IT, VIGDIS. #knittv 🇦🇺🐑

Just occurred to me – this video is basically like the ones Twin Galaxies uses to verify video game records. Except with knitting. #knittv


Torunn came to chew gum and knit like the wind. And she’s almost out of gum. #knittv

@gilmae LOL. I’m actually going to a workshop on it at @linuxconfau in a few weeks. Maybe this time it’ll stick.

@MeetupAPI Just hit a brick wall with my app. API calls work great locally, but getting throttled running from host. Exact same command?!

One of these Norwegian badasses is wearing LEATHER PANTS in a speed spinning event. #knittv

I call BULLSHIT Rolf. Even at a butchery, there’s no way you sheared 400 sheep in a work day! #knittv

@jagarcia1919 There are actually 8 ppl on the team, including 1 man!

@NicoleWill100 That ain’t no 8 hour day.

@the_nathanjones @knitterjp I’m all out of rosé. I’m on to the proper red now.

@the_nathanjones @knitterjp Oh, I’m not *knitting* at the moment! I’m WATCHING people knit while I drink wine and write bad PHP.

@joannejacobs +100

@the_nathanjones @knitterjp HA! 👏 Nicely done. That was a Dad-pun worthy of @FakeSamRitchie himself.

@essjayeff Yep. Search for “Slow TV” 😀

@stringy Search for “Slow TV” on Netflix. 🙂

@clepetit They’re real and they’re mesmerising. (The winder is the gizmo on the left; the umbrella thing is s “swift.”)

@nxdnz @kcarruthers As a Yank – HEYYYYYYY! 😡

@slace @parkrunAU Wow, great job!

@slace I did a couple when it started at Sydney Park, but then I hurt my knees. 🙁

RT @ThatWeissGuy: 2016: The year “why don’t you move to Russia, traitor” flipped from a right-wing insult to a left-wing one.