Shared today on Twitter

@unixbigot Oh yay, another friend! I’ll see you there. 🙂

@mikal @richardfontana @theshaun @mibus @itgrrl Hey fellow #lca2017 flight buddies! Anybody want to share a cab from HBA -> venue?

@mark_sabbatical @noopkat Phew. Really glad to hear it!

@mibus @mikal @richardfontana @theshaun @itgrrl @jeremyvisser I’m open to sharing cab! Otherwise shuttle must be booked ahead of time.

@mikal @mibus @richardfontana @theshaun @itgrrl Heh. I’m the giant ginger girl. I can be the meeting point. 🤣

@developerjack My first choice was easy in the end! @MYOBapi #lca2017