Shared today on Twitter

Wizard… rock star… ninja… 10x engineer. These are words of exclusivity & power, to say you’re better than other people. @aurynn #lca2017

“But he’s got so much technical knowledge!” Ugh. I worked with That Guy. Such a jerk, but permitted to bully and disdain. #lca2017 @aurynn

Contempt culture leads to VR that makes women sick, cameras that don’t recognise dark skinned people, etc. We think we know enough. #lca2017

Teamwork and empathy should be First Order Principles of coding. Hear, hear! @aurynn #lca2017

I took the Coding Quiz for Candy out of my #WOOTConf talk on account of how @desplesda blatantly CHEATED on it at @yow_conf. 😂 #lca2017

Listen to Evil Baby – don’t be a jerk and steal other people’s images. @keandrews #lca2017

Woo! @BR3NDA put wifi in her hat. I put an Arduino in mine but no wifi. 😁 #lca2017

RT @itgrrl: .@BR3NDA: “When my child sneaks out of bed the lights turn purple. I made it hackable hoping she’ll work out how to circumvent…

@mlukanuski Not really. This is just a basic sweater based on Elizabeth Zimmerman’s percentage system.

Red Lippie of Confidence is on! Let’s do this. #lca2017

RT @wootconf: Up first after lunch, @web_goddess and how knitting is just like code! #WOOTConf

RT @betsybookworm: “looking at something in a new way makes you better at it” -@web_goddess YES this is everything #WOOTConf #lca2017

You told me to fit it in 20 minutes!! 😂 #lca2017

@leonardlow *groan* (Ugh, technical issues are the WORST)

For more info on speaker training that @glasnt, @RhianaHeath, and I did, go here! #WOOTConf @yow_conf #lca2017

RT @tveastman: Oh gods, XML has found it’s way into the knitting world too. #LCA2017

@tveastman You’ll be gratified to know that it hasn’t really taken off. I’m tempted to get involved myself. 😜

RT @freakboy3742: Knitters represent!! #LCA2017

@tveastman Yes! Some patterns tell you at certain points how many stitches you should have, etc. very similar.

@tveastman Running a safety line is like doing a git commit. I got a million of these. Had to cut em for time. 🙂

@hannahcancode I’m so sorry I missed your talk. Been on a call for work. 🙁

@the_patima I know @johnallsopp well… His is prettier, but mine is a calendar! Clearly we should join forces. 😀

@the_patima @johnallsopp Shall we take it to email? I’ve got ideas/suggestions from UG heads on things that would be helpful for them!

The perils of being a Yank presenting Down Under – having to explain your jokes. 😂 #lca2017 @rikkiends

RT @jasonblewis: Knitted 1D and 2D barcodes at #lca2017

Had an absolute FANGIRL MOMENT when I realised Jill & Mike aren’t just techies; they also run!! MY FAVE. #lca2017

@gilmae @rikkiends “Mamas don’t let your babies grow up to be rockstars” was apparently a confusing talk title to some!

@stibbons I’m sorry to hear it! At least I got to run into you.

Experiment in healthy conference eating is being sorely tested. Had to flee GitHub Patchwork when I spotted the pizza. 😞🍕 #lca2017

Talitha Cummins sues Ch7 after losing job while on maternity leave I know too many women this has happened to. 😡

Daniel from @github kicking off the #lca2017 Patchwork session! (Goal: learn enough to earn @gilmae’s approval and respect. No pressure.)

The light in Hobart right now is amazing. #sunset #nofilter

@Ganticdotco @the_patima @johnallsopp Brisbane calendar feed is here: Let me know if you know of any missing!

@gilmae I ended up not so much “learning git” as “shooting the shit with the awesome guys from Github”. So I remain useless.

@The_McJones @parisba +1. I’m up, but I’m not happy about it.

RT @amscraig: You can watch livestream of #lca2017 at

I’m not sure I’ve had enough caffeine to contemplate transhumanism this early in the morning. #lca2017

@gilmae There was a slide with that dolphin from Johnny Mnemonic. At least I know what my nightmares will be about tonight.

@parisba @TheRealBnut @Astarael @The_McJones Works for me!

Kind of cathartic to tell someone your story of being bullied. Demons exorcised.

Today’s adventure: learning to solder. Another critical post zombie apocalypse skill! #lca…

Kicking off the Open Hardware Miniconf! #lca2017