Final slide of @mjec’s “Future Privacy” talk was simply “Sorry.” A sobering note to end on. #lca2017
Prior to #lca2017 I knew 3 people in Hobart. And hey, they’re all presenting together! @parisba @desplesda @The_McJones
Fridges are by far best kilowatt hour per $ appliances… in terms of one-on-one electrical appliance combat games. 😂 #lca2017 @The_McJones
Pro tip from @parisba for implementing network multiplayer in a hackathon game: have a Google SRE on your team. HA! #lca2017
Advance from @desplesda for making games at hackathons is pretty applicable to *all* hackathon projects. #lca2017
“Energy stars are a thing that makes your fridge fight better!” – @desplesda #lca2017
RT @SuperRoach: Bring on the duck typing! @glasnt talks about Javascript being aweful #lca2017
Now wondering how I can incorporate @glasnt’s hilariously esoteric JavaScript into a knitting pattern… #lca2017
@mpesce Well, to be fair she’s talking about how it’s all awful. 🙂
I think that’s the 2nd namecheck for @kosamari at #lca2017 so far! (Also mentioned in my knitting talk.)
@bshaurette @kosamari She was definitely credited verbally
So excited for @NatDudley’s “Ada ❤ Lace” talk! #lca2017
“We may say most aptly that the Analytical Engine weaves algebraic patterns just as the Jacquard-loom weaves flowers and leaves.” 💖 #lca2017
Can confirm that whenever I tell a male geek I’m doing a talk on knitting and tech, 90% tell me about Jacquard loom. YES, I KNOW. #lca2017
Knit One, Compute One – My talk from #lca2017 is now online!
“Some of us are literal yak shavers.” – @NatDudley LOL. 🤣 #lca2017
I have experienced contempt culture in knitting, but thankfully most of those ppl are (literally) dying off. Not as bad as tech tho #lca2017
Choosing the right yarn as a metaphor for using the right tools in tech. 💯 #lca2017
“Steeking is where you cut your knitting in half. So if you think database sharing is hard…” – @NatDudley #lca2017
People are different; they knit to different gauges. Pattern gauge mitigates for this bias. (Tight knitters REPRESENT! 👋) #lca2017
@angrygoat Oh Graham. You didn’t.
When @NatDudley told the story of frogging this lace, I physically winced. Ouch. The rm -rf of knitting. #lca2017
@angrygoat All good. You just happened to be like the 4th dude this week. 😉
Lessons that tech can learn from knitting. Great talk, @NatDudley! #lca2017
More fun with hardware! @evildeece teaching is about MQTT and home automation. #lca2017
@NatDudley We had a few Old Guard in the Guild who were very much Knitters for Evil, but thankfully they’re mostly gone.
Managed to get blinky lights, wifi connection, and publishing messages over the air via MQTT! #victory #lca2017
@mattallen Considering there were no install instructions for Mac and I winged it, not too shabby! Only needed minimal help in the end.
@betterbomb @dweet_io Ooh, thanks!
Hi @starbuxman!!! @caseywest
@starbuxman @caseywest Hobart! A part of Oz you have not yet been to. But you are missed!
RT @hannahcancode: Oh hey, my talk “Hannah Gets Go-ing” from #lca2017 is now online for your consumption!
@koconder ESP8266 – it was this workshop:
@i386 So pretty! 😻
@mobywhale @darthted @owensenior @cathyblabla Please, because I missed it and I want to see it! +1
@chixors @linuxconfau I LOVE THAT! So brilliant. Well done!
@parisba I am disturbed by how (even more) like Jesus @desplesda looks.
@owensenior @darthted As long as we don’t have to wrestle you at the end of the night.
@slace Break a leg, mate!!
@chixors I will be in Melbourne in a few weeks! Speaking at Infracoders on Feb 14, and also elabor8 Lunch & Learn. 🙂
RT @chixors: Go check out this talk at @linuxconfau by @web_goddess to get an education on how Knitters are Coders Too!…
@starbuxman @caseywest – but it moves around every year.
@unixbigot Right back at you. 🙂
@leesdolphin Sound advice from @itgrrl! You should listen to her. 🙂
@mokagio Aww, congrats on the little one!
@Ducky_Tape In case I don’t see you – drinks tonight at Brick Factory with other UG heads if you don’t have anything else on! 🙂
@Ducky_Tape I know. I shouldn’t have tried to book anything off-lca. Lesson learned! 😕
@maziltov Hey Masni! I’m having drinks tonight at Brick Factory with some local UG heads if you don’t have anything else on! 🙂
@dnahodil Hey David – I’m having drinks tonight at Brick Factory with some local UG heads if you don’t have anything else on…
@Japh Can’t remember – did you have a schedule conflict or are you coming to drinks tonight? Hope you can make it!
These are the faces of two tired people, about to learn Rust.
Tagging @voltagex #lca2017
We’re only 5 min in and I’ve already learned new things from @QEDunham! #lca2017
@unixbigot I got here 20 minutes early!
@Japh That is the best possible excuse. 🙂 Have fun!
RT @unixbigot: Video of my presentation “The Internet of Scary Things” at #lca2017 Security and Privacy miniconf: #…