Excited to hear from Michael Leung about faster, better storage and how it makes computation faster. @DellEMCDSSD @pivotallabs https://t.co/0EIqfNctTN
Wow. @DellEMCDSSD were able to reduce time for a particular cancer care process from 11 days to 6 hours. Literally life-saving tech. https://t.co/MOdJrRuIwG
.@lgarulli starts his talk with a stark warning: 60% of Big Data projects will fail in 2017. @OrientDB @pivotallabs https://t.co/OG9zAuDmf5
Big Data projects fail for lots of reasons. The big ones are complexity and budget. @lgarulli @OrientDB https://t.co/H6mqvsFpea
I definitely spot some familiar local names using @OrientDB… @sonatype @FOXSportsAUS https://t.co/assHNADU8e
@Malarkey My Dad is going to be very scornful of that news. It’s Clint or nothing.
RT @GuardianAus: We broke the Panama Papers story. Our next mission: Donald Trump https://t.co/Nkals7r6g9
@Malarkey I’m fairly certain “right turn, Clyde” was the first sentence he taught me to say.
@The_McJones Boooo. Pickles are THE BEST. I have a jar from Costco the size of a small child in my fridge.
RT @BuzzFeedOz: 22 Women Who Have Somehow Led Fulfilling Lives Without Children https://t.co/s086G19vUY via @tahls https://t.co/57CijZqyLF
RT @yow_conf: Learn about Google Cloud Data pipeline architecture patterns & meet @lynnlangit in Sydney Wed Feb 15 https://t.co/ioWOQS7rHV…
@glasnt @pycon My knitting talk got accepted too! I’m still kind of in shock. 🙂
@incunabulista @glasnt I have a feeling it might be the final time for this talk. I’ll have given it a lot by then!
@mmastertheone The rest of the world is catching on! Knitters love puns. 🙂
I could sit in this converted old wool store all day. https://t.co/nWJXdXFNBC https://t.co/n9kgQ3aT72