Shared today on Twitter

@philiplaureano @markc @fabienruffin @cloudyopspoet Ooh, would love to see them present a DevOps topic! Always in demand. šŸ™‚

@saberkite You just reminded me I need to get tickets for Chicago when I visit later this year. šŸ™‚

@stephenlead You just gave me a headache.

I’m giving a talk in Perth on Feb 7! Would love to see all you west coasters there. šŸ™‚ via @Eventbrite

@WearyMonkey EXACTLY. šŸ˜± Problem was I was getting UTC and needed to spit out calendar feed in local timezone. I got there in the end!

@kouky You might as well make a shortcut for that. I suspect you’ll be appending it to a lot of tweets for the next 4 years. šŸ™

@mibus So you want me to do my lightning talk tonight or what? šŸ¤£

@mibus Ahhh, Rodd said you were “facilitating”. I took that to mean something much more important. šŸ¤£ See you soon!

@aussielunix Ooooooouch. šŸ™

@WearyMonkey I was at the office Monday for the launch. Didnā€™t see you! Too early in the morning?

@evanderkoogh Thanks Erwin! I owe you several šŸ»

Score one for the crocheters! šŸ˜‰

Intro to Linux happening at tonightā€™s #SLUG. Feels like Iā€™ve gone back in time fifteen years!

@stibbons Theyā€™re doing an LCA recap. šŸ™‚

@voltagex @stibbons Trying not to giggle that the speakerā€™s laptop battery is dying so theyā€™re moving him to a Macā€¦ šŸ˜‚

@martinkrafft I have a cron job that posts a list of recently ā€œheartedā€ tweets to my blog. So for me, itā€™s simply a tag for that.

@parisba If you see Bruce Campbellā€¦ I donā€™t even know how to finish that sentence. But it would be awesome.

@martinkrafft I preferred it when it wasnā€™t a heart. The heart implies a value judgement, when really Iā€™m just bookmarking.

@voltagex @martinkrafft If you use WordPress, I can share with you. šŸ˜œ (Prev version was hand-rolled; might have that somewhere too.)

@voltagex @martinkrafft Both versions are PHP, I should mention. šŸ™ƒ

@mattgemmell Ha! I knew it looked familiar. Couldnā€™t put my finger on why it reminded me of outer space. šŸ˜‚

@voltagex Iā€™ll put it up on GitHub this weekend and ping you. šŸ™‚

So thrilled! Way to go @hannahcancode, and thanks @coderfactory for supporting more women getting into tech!

@steve_evil @stibbons I have the utmost respect for meetup organisersā€¦ but two hours of command line basics is KILLING ME.

RT @Meligy: Call for speakers now open for ng-sydney Feb 8
Pls RT / share with everyone to help us get great speakeā€¦

RT @tjcramer: OH: The “S” in IOT stands for security. Best… quote…. ever…

@RogueNASA I think we’re inadvertently DDoSing the site. Can’t get it to load!

RT @janesports: Obama wrote this letter to my daughter’s friend when they were in 4th grade. It’s about a US interstate system of waterslidā€¦

@voltagex @martinkrafft Just emailed to the both of you. The plugin itself is no longer maintained, so I didn’t bother to put on github.

GAHHH. Can’t believe I already missed out on the Norah Gaughan classes at @KnitGuildNSW Camp. They went so fast! šŸ˜’

@KnitGuildNSW I should’ve known. Oh well. Time to finally learn Tunisian crochet!

@randomknits @KnitGuildNSW When I registered online just now and chose my workshops, those have SOLD OUT next to them.

@unixbigot @AshKyd My husband literally has that exact thing in his office, complete with matching dragon candelabra.