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@annie_parker They do indeed. I set up a recurring one this morning.

Any recommendations for a good electrician in the Inner West?

@stephenlead Thanks!

@liamvhogan I use The Old Reader. It’s deliberately meant to be like Reader!

RT @DanSpehler: Notre Dame pres on exec order: “It demeans our nation, whose true greatness has been its guiding ideals of fairness” https:…

I’m pulling out of @pycon. I apologise to the organisers, but right now I want to stay the hell out of the US.

@twelveeyes I really debated. The situation could be better by then. Or it could be a lot worse. Decided not to risk it. πŸ™

@johnallsopp @tjbyte GoCatch also has an Uber-type option now within their app called “Rideshare”.

@johnallsopp @tjbyte Frankly I suspect it’s the exact same drivers as Uber; they all seem to be on multiple systems.

@twelveeyes I hadn’t registered or bought plane tickets yet. That would’ve changed things.

@tjbyte @johnallsopp Oh totally. I’ve deleted the @Uber app too. Just highlighting that in the end it’s all the same drivers.

@betsybookworm @twelveeyes Yeah. We’re booked in for a trip to Yellowstone with my parents in August. That I’m still going to.

@betsybookworm @twelveeyes Mostly because I figure with cuts to the NPS, Yellowstone may not be around the next time I’m able to go. πŸ™

@Sia @ACLU Small but recurring one from me! #resist

@liamvhogan Excellent. I believe @200ok uses it too. I even paid for premium as I appreciate their efforts.

@liamvhogan @200ok The one drawback is the social aspect isn’t there due to so few users.

@liamvhogan @200ok But this is me if you want to follow me and get it going again. πŸ™‚

RT @EFF: If US border agents asked you to provide social media information or access to your digital devices or cloud content, contact info…

RT @techsydneyau: We stand with all those affected by the #MuslimBan. Read our joint media release w/ @mcannonbrookes & @hiconomics https:/…

Congratulations – again! Couldn’t have gone to a more deserving recipient. Thanks @coderfactory πŸ˜€