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Spotify’s Discover Weekly has suggested a bluegrass cover of Modest Mouse to me. Sometimes living in the future is pretty all right.

@saberkite My YOW colleague Missy (Filipino) primarily uses Slack to send me photos of Jollibee. Some things never change. 🤣

@JennaPrice This morning I turned down an invitation to speak at a tech conference in the US in May. 🙁

Perth folks: any recommendations for somewhere in the CBD to take like a dozen people for brekkie?

@stringy @fendersperth Oh perfect, thank you!

@imdominating *fans self* Thank you.

@mpesce Soaked two loads of laundry on the washing line. My weather app totally failed me. 🙁

@mibus Honestly, none of that really. As a white US citizen I have a ton of privilege there. It was more of a symbolic act. I don’t want to

@mibus take advantage of a system that’s currently keeping equally qualified people out. My meager boycott is the only action I got.

@mibus Also the thing where I’ve heard even citizens are being asked to unlock phones and show social media accounts. Eff that.

RT @amandaseales: You didn’t even know you needed this.

@mibus I still have a holiday booked in for August. I’m hoping the situation is better by then.

@evanderkoogh Congrats! Did you say you were in Sydney this week??

@evanderkoogh Ah. Damn. I’ll be away. No beers for you.

@evanderkoogh BTW – any recommendations for a coffee shop in Melbourne where I could meet like a dozen folks for brekkie one day?

@evanderkoogh Yep – from this Sunday to Thursday.

Huh. When I don’t start my day with three hours of reading how EVERYTHING IS AWFUL, I’m actually a productive human being.

RT @StringStory: I be in Sydney on the 5 Feb to chat about the future of growth hacking. Come along and kick back with us @DanSiepen


RT @yow_conf: Sydney, @odersky joins us with @ScalaSyd Feb 7 to present recent developments & what that means for Scala…