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In one day, 75% of the tickets are gone! Don’t delay if you want to hear from the creator of Scala @odersky.

The world may be collapsing, so I figured I might as well try a Turmeric & Ginger Almond Latte. (Surprisingly good!) #selfhatinghipster

@yow_conf @KenScambler On the plus side, it’s being recorded! We also have @lynnlangit Night next week too in Melb:

@gilmae Is it sexist of me to suspect that the explainers are mostly of the same gender?

@ScalaSyd @yow_conf Don’t forget it’s being recorded though! 😀

The @yow_conf Women in Tech speaking comp 2017 is now open for entries! Win a day of speaker training. 😊

@tedneward Haha, if you ever make it over to Sydney, I’ll take you for a beer to make up for missing out. 🙂

Really thrilled for @GirlGeekAcademy, but @GGDSydney has had #SheHacks events in Syd for 3yr. Going to be confusing?

@chaitanyakuber I did! It was actually recorded and is already on YouTube. 😂

Anybody at @pivotallabs? Crowd in lobby trying to get up to Elixir meetup.

Really friendly group for my first #elixirsyd meetup tonight!

Learning about supervision, robustness, links, Erlang, Elixir and more from Nick Gunn. #elixirsyd

“Don’t ever call unlink, unless for fun, because bad things will happen and you won’t know about it.” 😂 #elixirsyd

I love it when a tech talk cites an academic paper! #elixirsyd @randommood

“I’m not really a web developer… Well, I wrote a web app once. In 2001.” – @ausimian #elixirsyd 😂

@stevelikesyou @mark_sabbatical So good, right? Makes me want to know your score. 😜

@stevelikesyou @mark_sabbatical Was that ambivert?

@stevelikesyou @mark_sabbatical I was in the 70′s I think.

Valiant effort from @robinhilliard to describe his drone project demo to us in spite of projector fail! #elixirsyd

Neat. Using Dialyzer to do a sort of type checking on units of measure. Critical in aviation! @robinhilliard #elixirsyd

Pro tip from @robinhilliard: use git aliases for prev and next to step through your demo repo. Brilliant! #elixirsyd

@tammybutow @GirlGeekAcademy @GGDSydney @GeorgiCodes I know – I was there! Just didn’t realise the event was changing this year.

@tammybutow @GirlGeekAcademy @GGDSydney @GeorgiCodes So presumably we have to call ours something else now?

@tammybutow I already had someone email me the news link going hey, is this your group @GGDSydney? So there will be confusion. 😕

@tammybutow @GGDSydney I could change it or keep it; I’m not bothered. Just need to make sure people know they’re different!

@aussielunix And set up some sort of benevolent dictator city-state? I could get behind that, El Presidenté!

@SeanDMackNYC @yow_conf Thanks for sharing!

Holy cow. @Meetup – do I really have to go into every single group I’m in to turn off email notifications? There’s not a blanket option?!