@aussielunix @willb_photos Given that I grew up in Amish country (my Mom actually runs a quilt shop!), I am uniquely qualified to assist. 🙂
@evanderkoogh Not really a PA, but I’ve been using Cloze to manage contacts and I’m pretty happy so far.
@evanderkoogh True. I haven’t connected to Slack or telephony, just email and social.
@Gemma_Stiles I am working from your desk today! 😂 @darthted took pity on a poor office-less Kris.
@WasianFactor @SheSharp_NZ @yow_conf Doesn’t necessarily have to be technical! My entry that was selected was on leadership & management.
@WasianFactor @SheSharp_NZ @yow_conf If you look through past YOW conf schedules on the site, that will give you an idea of topics covered
@Gemma_Stiles @darthted Hehe. Sadly no. I am actually doing work! … Well, except for this.
@Gemma_Stiles @darthted PS I ❤️ your Dr. Who Funkos.
RT @yow_conf: Learnt from a mistake? Turn it into a 🎤 talk for #yowwest and submit it! https://t.co/JBUJoj3jqR https://t.co/OERjCUJNT7
@darthted @owensenior @SydTechLeaders This is the tweet thread I was telling you about! https://t.co/uefFCOQ0Je
RT @karanj: . @latikambourke and @GrogsGamut timing couldn’t be more perfect https://t.co/pHzD6sRZSE
RT @SydTechLeaders: We are considering a future meetup around this topic (or very close to it). Anyone w/ strong opinions; wants to talk in…
RT @yow_conf: Grab your tix & meet @web_goddess in Perth Feb 7. Knitting is encouraged! (even better if it’s based on code) https://t.co/Pl…
Fancy digs at @CommBank for #SydCSS! https://t.co/0ZG2S99ojy
A good design system depends at least 50% on the developer experience. – @wilkowskidom #SydCSS https://t.co/3cSomKea4r
@miko_a @conniecodes There’s a table full at the back of the room. I seeded it with quite a few! 😁 #SydCSS
@conniecodes @miko_a That’s what I seeded it with! (Though I kept the *really* good ones…)
“Who here does testing? YOU SHOULD ALL PUT YOUR HANDS UP. YOU SHOULD ALL TEST YOUR CODE.” Excellent intro rant from @sammy_lee12! 😂 #SydCSS
Damn. @sammy_lee12 is KILLING IT tonight! Doing @GGDSydney and @WWCSyd very proud! #SydCSS https://t.co/XTnNRWsIuu
RT @HarbourFrontHK: Have you RSVP’ed to our meet-up with @web_goddess yet?
https://t.co/n3mtmn44xU https://t.co/46bre4xrcF
Want an awesome @yow_conf shirt like @sammy_lee12? Submit a talk for YOW! West and join us in Perth! #sydcss https://t.co/gltyRTfaZH
Unintended lesson from #sydcss: throwing shade at other meetup groups is the best way to get a crowd reaction. (Sorry @twalve!)
@liedra gorgeous!
@msharp @Malarkey @mobywhale Honestly, this exchange has been one of the bright points of 2017 to date! #happynews #everythingsnotawful
@SydTechLeaders Hey @johnallsopp – I reckon you’ll have opinions. 🙂
@johnallsopp You mean for internal use? Or have you found a good local channel?