Shared today on Twitter

@the_nathanjones I know!! Very fortunate. 🙂

Thank you @elabor8 for hosting me at today’s Lunch & Learn meetup! I had a lot of fun meeting so many engaged, interesting folks.

@syc008 @elabor8 Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it. ☺

I’m so lucky this isn’t right next door to my office.

Look at this Melbourne hipster. (Perfect end to a long day!)

@evanderkoogh I’ll be in Singapore. I’m trying to top you in frequent flyer miles. 😂

@WillPettersson According to @MichelePlayfair, it was “five bucks at Kmart!”

@knitterjp We missed you too!

@knitterjp @evanderkoogh is my evil twin.

@evanderkoogh @knitterjp I land back in Sydney on the 2nd, but I’ve got something on that night. Dinner on the 3rd??

Ask MeFi: What are some slang terms or buzzwords of 90s era dotcom culture? // THIS IS MY LIFE.

RT @ButenkoMe: RSVP as attendee, mentor or volunteer!


@the_patima @mattdelves You know, I *am* hiring… 🙂

@charrett HAHAHA. And now I’m having Wayne’s World flashbacks too!

@webuildsg Hello! I”m visiting SG next week and would love to meet up with locals. Can I email you all?

RT @davidjbland: Spotify is the new Toyota, in that companies love to copy what they do without ever asking why they do it.

RT @alicegoldfuss: the only time it matters that I’m a Woman in Tech is when I mash my boobs on the keyboard to create secure passwords