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Home! (@ T2 Multi-User Domestic Terminal – @sydneyairport in Mascot, NSW)

Have now spent about 30min on support with @Wotif trying to get refund for hotel that had no record of our booking. 🙁

@tjbyte In this case, looks to be because the B&B changed hands and no none updated Expedia. Booking went to old owner’s email.

Brisbane – last chance to get your ticket to see @lynnlangit’s YOW! Night talk on Google Cloud Platform tom night!

@azadehkhojandi Too funny. They never actually responded to my tweet!

@azadehkhojandi I managed to get it fixed on my third phone call. 🙂

@SingaporeAir Flying from Sydney to Singapore today – can I take my knitting needles on the plane? I’ll get bored without it!

@SingaporeAir Eight hours would’ve been productive knitting time. 😕 Thanks.