@saberkite awww, I wish! Going to Hong King on Friday
RT @HarbourFrontHK: HK people, don’t forget to RSVP to @HarbourFrontHK next Tuesday with @web_goddess. Knitting meets coding. Awesome!
@FakeSamRitchie @PulpLibrarian Ooh, gorgeous. I don’t think I do, but @Bex_the_Femme might!
My first overseas meetup! #lifeatpaypal #womenwhocode @wwcsingapore https://t.co/rfJkuIxYZ4 https://t.co/iqdxVMc0Ad
@geekscape Hey! Tried to send you an email last week but it bounced back. Something wrong with andyg@geekscape.org ?
Spotted a landmark I remembered – Suntec Fountain of Wealth. 2001 vs 2017. (My iPhone came… https://t.co/3W9zpe3K7y https://t.co/WJOZnz8KJ2