@lisaaharrison1 Hahaha, no, he’s in San Francisco. Was it maybe @diversionary? 😂
The view from the venue for my #yownight talk tonight! 😳 https://t.co/jYo1Y0hpvs https://t.co/j6PER9GvEN
Sergey and Rohit kicking off tonight’s Agile Singapore #yownight! https://t.co/mas46P3nNT
RT @marlousteh: Getting insights from @web_goddess about what it takes to get into management #tech #devs #learning #management #upskill #y…
Another talk; another selfie. Thanks Agile Singapore! #yownight https://t.co/5t3ux5pC4S https://t.co/PI9Uta58TH
RT @EliFitch: I made a silly quiz to see if you’re actually a “REAL” developer.
✨💀Take it if you dare💀✨
@the_patima Not a book, but I was at this YOW Night in 2014 and it was life-changing. Scribbled notes whole time. https://t.co/JeWuYdCASF