RT @MichelePlayfair: You’ll like this thread (skein?)@knitterjp @web_goddess https://t.co/vADVSXHBG2
I was going to write one of these, but @joshsimmons took the words out of my mouth. https://t.co/LqPpzM7SmV
How Quilting Can Explain the Foreclosure Crisis https://t.co/1HgwsXHOAq // WOW. Quilting as data visualisation. ❤ (Thanks @NatDudley)
@nickyringland You should change your Twitter name. My friend @drwitty_knitter did that. 😉
RT @charis: And let’s start selling some @webconf_asia tickets 🎉
RT @yow_conf: Super excited @fgeorge52 brings his hands‐on 1-day wkshop “Microservices: Let’s build some!” to BNE, SYD, MEL, PER https://t.…
@joshhunt For my last talk, I bit the bullet and pasted it in and manually coloured it.
Genius! Automator script for colouring code in Keynote. https://t.co/jVaP8NxySQ
When you get the opportunity to eat Michelin starred ramen, you say YES! https://t.co/40Y5omAHMr https://t.co/jIdlezOOqQ
Spotted in Hong Kong – a Porsche Carrera in @canva blue! @themaninblue would approve. https://t.co/l1ITyWh8v0
RT @yow_conf: Our first 2017 YOW! Night in HK in conjunction with @AgileHK thanks so much for hosting us at the Odd-E office! @web_goddess…
@mattdelves Around the corner from where I’m staying in Hong Kong.
RT @AgileHK: Thanks @web_goddess and @yow_conf for a great #agilehk session! https://t.co/C69eB0IzJW