Shared today on Twitter

Dammit. Integration tests failed. Time to frog. (Can you spot the error?)

Oh, fun. Looks like @troyhunt managed to get that huge list of spammed email accounts uploaded after all. 😕

Just doing some two-handed Fairisle in PURL on the train. You know, as you do. 🤓

@creativemercury @thisismywww I skipped 2 rows, so top quadrant of second diamond was smaller than others. Here’s it fixed

@benjamin_payne Heh. I wondered if anyone would ask. Through extremely lo-fi method of jamming phone under my chin! 😂

@benjamin_payne It was a video though – somehow the tweet looks like a still image. 🤷‍♀️

RT @sarahmei: My conclusion from trying this as an adult: anyone who says women aren’t naturally good at algorithms has clearly never done…

RT @GGDSydney: Dear community, registrations for our next event are now open!

@lucykbain Wait, I use a Todoist and I haven’t sent that! How does that happen?!

YES! It’s totally a thing. Some of us have been beating the knitting-as-gateway-to-STEM drum for a while now. ☺

Tonight’s project: light up LED flower brooch for #superherodaughterday17 next weekend! @k…

@joshprice Morris & Sons in CBD have done kids classes during school holidays in past! I’d start with them. (I used to teach them!)

@joshprice There are also LOTS of videos on YouTube.


@gilmae Interestingly, last couple of times I’ve done the talk, no one was able to identify it.

@ericscheid @gilmae No, it’s not a history talk and it’s not focused on women. It’s purely knitting-as-code.

@njames LOL. Being a KNITTING SUPERHERO would be amaaaaazing. 🤣