Shared today on Twitter

@thedevinblue @themaninblue Curious. Something is happening.

SQUIRREL! (Very tempted.)

@stephenlead It looks like the hat I knitted!

Finally watched Fargo Season 1 on the weekend. ❤️ ❄️

The funny thing is, when I discover a good show I missed I get indignant rage towards @imdominating for not telling me about it MONTHS AGO!

@imdominating I was very worried at first. I had issues with his US accent in Capt America Civil War. But I got over it quickly. 🙂

Massive crowd as @themaninblue kicks off #frontendsyd at @canva!

All proceeds from #frontendsyd going to the excellent @NodeGirlsSydney!

The best @davidhearnden talks are the really, really academic ones. You’re all in for a treat. #frontendsyd

“The best part is the really typographically pretty brackets.” @davidhearnden #frontendsyd

True story: @davidhearnden once gave a brown bag talk at @canva on how we know reality is non-deterministic. #frontendsyd

Dammit. @davidhearnden just tricked me into learning about monads. #frontendsyd

Next up at #frontendsyd is @AllSchuckUp talking about why being a generalist is good. 😁

“What is ‘full stack,’ anyway?” Pancakes. Pancakes all the way down. 🥞 #frontendsyd

It’s all happening in Hippendale.

Enjoy #frontendsyd at @canva? Come back on Tuesday to learn about microservices and IoT from @fgeorge52! @yow_conf

@Charlie__Gerard For a sec I was like, “Wait, I didn’t know this was happening!” And then I remembered you moved away. 😢

@codepo8 It keeps taunting me on Netflix, but I’m not sure I want to go there. Was it worth it? Hamill’s in it, right?

@nikhilbarthwal You should get on the @yow_conf mailing list so you don’t miss out in the future! We even extended the LJ callout. 🙁

RT @WomeninProduct1: If u look down and everyone in yr team is wearing the same shoes ur in the wrong team @Misscommunikat #prodmgmt #Diver…

@_tonymay @WomeninProduct1 @Misscommunikat Never looked around your team and realised that 90+% are 25yo white dudes in hoodies?

@_tonymay @WomeninProduct1 @Misscommunikat More diverse teams lead to more diverse solutions. Shoe choices are just shorthand. 🙂

RT @yow_conf: CFP for data driven technology and applications YOW! Data Conference – Sydney, 17-18 Sept now open!