@drdralal Sadly, no. Already judged and no ribbon this year, but it’s nicely displayed at least!
Walk in and get handed a mimosa? This is my kind of tech event. #wtm17 https://t.co/5spdOGGOul https://t.co/wIGP1vGliT
RT @bemaia: Refilling…you can see by the quality of the photo. @web_goddess #wtm17 @Google https://t.co/x9J7bsshII
Welcoming words from @nataliaenvy as we kick off #WTM17 at Google Sydney. https://t.co/b0RT4rlVio
“I’m very proud to be a professional feminist.” – @nataliaenvy, LIVING THE DREAM. 👸 #WTM17
RT @GGDSydney: 50 countries, 14,000 women. You are never alone #WTM17
“We were all millionaires! …on paper. And then in the early 2000s, all that paper went away.” Ahhh, nostalgia. Been there. 💸 #WTM17
RT @railey180: Visibility of your work is crucial to success. You need to be able to talk about your Work. #WTM17 #TellingYourStory
Are there any skills you had to pick up that didn’t come naturally? “SUBTLETY.” – @joannejacobs 😂 Sing it, sister. #WTM17
This is my favourite thing ever. Bless you, @tcn33. 😂 https://t.co/Leugq8tsnk
Pro tip for all women in tech: sleep your way to the top. As in, actual sleep. It’s so important. 😴 GENIUS! #WTM17
Learning about TensorFlow and deep neural networks. 🤓 #WTM17 https://t.co/vx45OIDTfa
Just used Fast Style Transfer on my beautiful cat. 😻 #wtm17 https://t.co/Ul84YBCY1G
Behold, for I am Queen of the Mer-People. #wtm17 https://t.co/E4VR5lESsR
A Man and a Horse – A Study with Style Transfer. @tensorflow #wtm17 https://t.co/uo2rw3jdrk
@candeira @tensorflow Ladies only for this one, sadly.
@nickyringland @tensorflow Oh sure, yours looks cool! Mine turned me into a FISH-PERSON. 😂
@candeira @tensorflow Workshop materials are all online if you want to have a go on your own! https://t.co/hTp3WCgP29
@nickyringland @tensorflow 🐟 https://t.co/Hb3HUQWVkH
@mobywhale Best thing ever. Now @the_snook is thinking of doing one with @diversionary’s face…
TFW you’re training a neural network to recognise handwriting, and suddenly realise it’s the Pokemon workshop from @GPN_Sydney. 😂 #wtm17
@piawaugh MEERKAT! ❤
Every other sentence out of @piawaugh’s mouth, I see heads go down as #WTM17 attendees nod, write, and tweet. It’s all so good. https://t.co/cPdE5EAV8e
“We have to question our premises, or else we’ll just reinvent the past but think it’s different because it’s shinier”. @piawaugh #WTM17 💯
RT @zarahjutz: “Who cares what a moron thinks of you? Choose the path with the best possible outcome for all involved.” #wtm17
QFT, and the trauma can be lasting. (I still have nightmares.) https://t.co/9ScntMfxSn
@m4rkmc Thanks for that! Really enjoyed it, and have already shared materials with friends who couldn’t be here. 🙂
@mibus You around? I’m here for woman techmakers things. TGIF drinks on level 6 👋