RT @yow_conf: What can we learn from Marvel superheroes on being better developers. Join us in Sydney May 9 #yownight https://t.co/5bvfqLBQ…
@gilmae Only @mseckington knows for sure… 😀
@evanderkoogh +10 for alliteration.
Playlist of songs with catchiest choruses: great for productivity; not great when you realise you’re CHAIR DANCING TO JUSTIN BIEBER.
I’m not really a Car Girl, but even I stopped in my tracks when I saw this beauty today. 😍 https://t.co/l9CQY4S5sS https://t.co/Rhc3ZQndny
@malcolmsheridan Haha, nah, around the corner from my house in Chippendale. Sun is shining right now!
@slace You know it.
@jedws @travisvz @christineliuart Cheers. Here’s a more recent version: https://t.co/jiKNGfO6b1
Erik and @jedws kicking off #FPSyd and Erik is SWEARING that he’s going to get it on @Meetup next month. (Sure, mate. 😜) https://t.co/hsqlFv2jpB
I only found out about Goldblum’s sausages a hour ago, which explains why I’m A) not in jail and B) still married. https://t.co/59BsrFhc5D
I can vouch for that – very friendly group and well worth visiting/speaking! https://t.co/NlCuOPs2Yl
@keranm What app is that?
@keranm Oh cool! I should take another look at that. Used to use Fitbit until my tracker died.
RT @LareneLg: Amazing turnout at @WWCodeBrisbane learning Functional programming with @mdjnewman @eraserqueen @thoughtworks #brisbane 🌃💻😄 h…
@BrigidWD @JennyValentish GASP. In Sydney?!
Goddddd Elisabeth Moss is WRECKING ME. 😭
Handmaid’s Tale Ep 1 killed me, even though I’ve read the book. That last line. I gasped, and then I cried. She has a name. 😭