@glasnt Oh no, did I give too much away?! That’s what was on the program. 😂
Gov’t became attractive place to work for devs, designers, testers? @jystewart starts Day 2 #yowwest with story of GOV.UK. https://t.co/apBSiX1SGa
Key part of GOV.UK was bringing dev experts in house – not just people managing outsourced teams. #yowwest
Heh. The GOV.UK site won Design of the Year for 2013. Take that, @malarkey. 😉 #yowwest https://t.co/BX7y1Od3yn
Talking about digital transformation is one thing, but £3.56 billion is another entirely. 😳💰 #yowwest https://t.co/NuiQQMBkzj
RT @weberdc: Gov.uk design principles that ultimately saved billions of pounds. @jystewart at #yowwest https://t.co/lHIYd5dqZm
@mmastertheone YES! Thanks. 🙂
Unexpected positive feedback resulted in a new feature! 😂 Love it. #yowwest @jystewart https://t.co/t7w72DeywE
BRB – just need to embroider these 4 questions on a cushion and stare at it for ten minutes every day. #yowwest @jystewart https://t.co/OVAzBrKFXH
@KathyReid @DattaVic @NatWoolMuseum @lbhq OOH. Can the general public attend?
@KathyReid @DattaVic @NatWoolMuseum @lbhq Just looking for an excuse to visit the museum, TBH. 😁
RT @unixbigot: “Everyone has to know why the work matters, & what matters about the work” – @jystewart #yowwest
Six UK security classifications reduced down to three. Reduced bureaucracy & cognitive overload. #yowwest @jystewart https://t.co/a0dhrNXfQl
Software is only as good as outcome it achieves. Sometimes the best solution is no software. (ARE YOU LISTENING, SILICON VALLEY?) #yowwest
RT @unixbigot: Have you tried #yowwest Choose-o-Matic yet? Don’t be afraid, touch the red circle, receive a random room recommendation. Th…
Learning about Typescript from @JakeGinnivan from @sevenwestmedia. It was born of need for better ways to maintain large JS apps. #yowwest https://t.co/I7wCAE2Wwh
Excellent news!! https://t.co/BETLA3casQ
Sending ❤️ to @ewebber and thanks for introducing @jystewart to the @yow_conf family! #yowwest https://t.co/7wpqkoyvzI
Typescript async/await allows you to compile down to support older browsers. #yowwest https://t.co/nvURa1jlKS
He’s diving right in with the subtlety. Can you spot the difference? @twalve #yowwest https://t.co/yOTHQaLrAn
Rather than derision, @twalve sees power and flexibility in this famous CSS meme mug. #yowwest https://t.co/ZqCAqs0K8Q
CSS developers should get onboard with testing, atomic design, pre-processors. #yowwest @twalve https://t.co/5mdoOCvxIy
CSS devs should use vocab of other programmers: immutability, reasoning, chaining, parallelism. Common language -> understanding. #yowwest
Another shout out to @malarkey as @twalve shows off his Star Wars-based specificity demo. #yowwest https://t.co/gY5kqRSpA4
Note to self: https://t.co/YuF2oaQb1m looks super cute – worth trying out! Thanks @twalve. #yowwest https://t.co/ZPdaB6zjGf
Professor Sharkie dives into math with a discussion of the Golden Ratio. @twalve #yowwest https://t.co/a39uMbaGhL
Big crowd for @envato’s @nocache taking about Conway vs The Monolith! #yowwest https://t.co/mfeWVM8qRp
Envato Marketplace started out 10 years ago selling Flash files. 😲 “Yeah, we finally turned that off… last year.” 😂 @nocache #yowwest https://t.co/Q0NaOXz2xb
@unixbigot Haha, your tweets are giving me FOMO for the Red room!
Conway’s Law isn’t just a retrospective curiosity. Flexibility of organisation can help you make your design better in the future. #yowwest https://t.co/3qcGG7uSTS
You can refactor teams into structures you want software to have *before* the software has those structures. @nocache #yowwest https://t.co/9rhFON2hCp
@daphnechong @GOTOchgo And here I am at #yowwest, reminiscing about our speaking experience here last year! You’re GLOBAL now. 😂
@unixbigot This reads like one of those weird stream-of-consciousness Twitter bots. (WTF is going on over there?!)
@unixbigot @girlgerms OHHH. I didn’t get it. I just meant the Red room at @yow_conf. 😂
OH NO! @unixbigot’s Choose-O-Matic suffered a cake-related hardware issue… #yowwest https://t.co/4bWsn8jGEd
So excited to introduce more Aussies to the amazing @starbuxman. You’re in for a treat! #yowwest https://t.co/vabgXLZgUd
My timeline has looked a lot like this lately. 😂 Yeah, yeah. I’ve seen Kniterate. I won’t be dropping $5K on it tho! @ambika_m @darylljann https://t.co/133RX0UY5n
@unixbigot PHEW! Relieved.
RT @weberdc: Blue Eared Kingfisher lives on the island of Java, it’s native to it, and flies in the clouds.👏 @starbuxman #yowwest https://t…
RT @FakeSamRitchie: “I love production and so should you – it’s better than Disneyland” @starbuxman #yowwest
The next best thing to presenting at #yowwest is to get namechecked in a talk! Thanks @starbuxman. ☺️ https://t.co/CH7vvtuMwu
Going back to the dawn of the Internet for the start of @pwcc’s talk on HTTP/2. #yowwest https://t.co/qVVqIacio2
We’re closing in on 2.8Mb for average web page size. 😵 @pwcc #yowwest https://t.co/iadjMdqXW5
A nice side effect of making the Web load faster is making more 💰 for your employer (which hopefully results in bonus for you). 🎁 #yowwest
Hey @juniordev_io – we’re still looking for a volunteer to help with YOW Night tom. Anyone interested? Free ticket! https://t.co/6uGKdQPTLD
WIZARDRY. He still talking on stage! 😂 #yowwest https://t.co/b1nHjF85Fd https://t.co/KKTJtoJDBO
Gutted to miss @glasnt’s excellent talk, but so excited for @darthted to share his remote team wisdom! #yowwest https://t.co/c3YJIyf1Hh
Finder doesn’t use remote teams as a cost saving, but rather to find best people for team. Good thing – there are hidden costs! #yowwest https://t.co/1JXzd7yWLC
Regardless of where teams are located, they need Autonomy, Purpose, and Vision to be successful. @darthted #yowwest https://t.co/VGZ0U8UBkF
Finder doesn’t do live standups anymore; they use StatusHero. Interesting – bookmarking for later research. #yowwest https://t.co/lkNdHO5vLi
@the_nathanjones @unixbigot Some people have fidget cubes; I’ve got my knitting. 😁
RT @unixbigot: If you could send one #yowwest talk from today back in time to you-five-years-ago, which one would it be? For me it’s @dart…
Really hoping @mseckington can help me answer this question once and for all… #yowwest https://t.co/YTPmFSPTg9
Regrets are basically the human equivalent of technical debt. Reflecting and refactoring can help us avoid. #yowwest @mseckington
@johnallsopp 😳
A unique form of personal retrospective: could you describe what you do in six objects? #yowwest @mseckington https://t.co/UBxC0CCy9S
Your values are the things you’d want to see on a Report Card for yourself, the words you’d want others to use to describe you. #yowwest https://t.co/UtQcVM99h7
@MitchPommers @mseckington Could maybe even get them to bring an object in to share and discuss!
Some sample questions and prompts you could use for a personal retrospective. @mseckington #yowwest https://t.co/pIHQLlNYJD
Yayyyy! Submit your application here: https://t.co/hTKZYCqFk2. Let’s grow the pool of excellent women speakers in Australia! #yowwest 💁🎤 https://t.co/PRmqCZfUOe
@Mandy_Kerr It’s not for any specific event – so make it whatever your ideal tech topic would be. What are you enthusiastic about?
@Mandy_Kerr Submit your Respond talk! The mark of a real speaker is RECYCLING.
@guthrie_jarod @juniordev_io Thank you! I had some replies and I think we’ve got enough. 😉
@yow_conf @Bankwest @thoughtworks @Bitgenics THANK YOU!!! 😍
Hm. I like Idris as Roland, but it looks like they changed the plot a LOT. (Where are Suzannah & Eddie & Oy?) #katet https://t.co/qOt83xk5S2
“This Is Not Your Grandma’s Knitting” | Abby’s Yarns – HELL YEAH. https://t.co/0dYKxhz5Gg
RT @kleeut: I mentioned @dddsydney last night. Call for papers is open. They’re a short train trip from Newcastle. https://t.co/BEa6rt7ovq