Instagram Scraps Foursquare Swarm & Flickr Support – Ouch. That’s pretty much the only way I checked in on Swarm.
@the_patima The only alternative is blacklisting no-shows, which introduces admin overhead. 🙁
@the_patima With @GGDSydney, listing events as late as possible helps avoid people who claim ticket and then decide not to come.
RT @philiplaureano: Note to self: Find a way to use this word in my next git commit message.
I could get used to this. (@ Sydney International Airport – Departures – @sydneyairport)
@saberkite @SydneyAirport Cost me an extra $50, but well worth it for this giant.
@knitterjp Very cool!
@glasnt And I turned down a speaking invitation. Clearly we are in the bizarro world. 😀
RT @musicdotjunkee: You Can Now Watch Every ‘Rage’ Playlist From The Last 20 Years:
I do love vintage hardware UIs. (The feel of these clicky plastic-covered touchpads!)
@catehstn Whenever I get down and discouraged, I think of you out there kicking ass! You inspire so many of us with your amazingness.
@gilmae @randomknits Hey, the Singapore forecast looks like that! (Just with the addition of lightning bolt icons each day.)