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First selfie of @webconf_asia with @hello_daryl!

Things are kicking off with a welcome from Verlebie. @charis looks excited! #webconfasia @webconf_asia

Keynote from @smashingmag’s Vitaly is a hell of a way to start a conf! #webconfasia @webconf_asia

LOL. My university’s website gets called out for using a carousel that makes web designers sad. 😂 @smashingmag @webconf_asia #webconfasia

“Hey, look at that! @yow_conf is coming to HK, and you can win a free ticket!” Come visit us and get a sticker, @webconf_asia 😉 #webconfasia

Next up is @triblondon from @fastly – hey, that’s where @randommood works! – talking about the power of the network. #webconfasia

HTTP/1.0 envisioned as a WeChat chat! #webconfasia

Speaker selfie with @triblondon, who taught me more about HTTP in one talk than I ever knew before! #webconfasia @fastly

UX design is all about caring for the overall user experience – beyond just screen they’re interacting with. #webconfasia @FractalStories

Creative coder @edankwan gets the audience chuckling with his story of moving on from Flash… #webconfasia #flashisdead

@cczona Also seeing Americans unwilling to travel to O/S confs for fear of having to hand over passwords upon reentry. 🙁

@cczona I know – I am one. And I turned down a talk in US last month for that reason. 🙁

Neat – @edankwan showing off his Particle Love experiment using Leap Motion. #webconfasia

Yay, I found HK legend @bgever at #webconfasia!

So impressed with how well @charis and the @webconf_asia team have organised everything. Great talks, great food, great chats! #webconfasia

Hey, look! There’s the @yow_conf logo! Check out the amazing speakers we’re bringing to HK in Sept: #webconfasia

Lots of examples from @dietrich about bridging physical-digital divide, including QR codes. You can even knit them! 😂 #webconfasia

@codepo8 @yow_conf Hmmmm… not sure, but I can suggest!

@dcotterill @yow_conf WHEN DID WE HAVE STUBBIE HOLDERS?! 😂😍

More than 50% of websites are in English, yet only 5% of population are native speakers! – @hj_chen #webconfasia

I ❤️ @hj_chen’s talk. Serious typography geekery, but from Chinese perspective. So cool! #webconfasia

@dietrich I did! And they point to the pattern, so they’re self-replicating. 😁

Two minutes in, and @brucel already has the audience hanging on every word! #webconfasia

Hope you all enjoyed afternoon tea as much as the #webconfasia team did! 😂 Thanks @yow_conf.

@jesswade @DrLucyRogers @dietrich @01Annalisa @DrEOChapman The pattern is here! (They were hand knit though.)

A fun end to #webconfasia as @heydonworks runs us through the many advantages of NOT writing code!

Waving at @johnallsopp from #webconfasia afterparty with @smashingmag and @heydonworks!

@jenblacker They absolutely do, and they point to the pattern – so they’re self-replicating. Took me many prototypes!!

@jenblacker QR codes rely on squareness, so key is to BLOCK THE HELL OUT OF IT.

@chthonicionic @jenblacker Thanks! They won me a second prize at the Sydney Royal Easter Show knitting competition a few years back 😁

Some of the many amazing folks I got to chat with and learn from over the past 48hrs at #webconfasia and #voxxedsi…

@perrynfowler @dcotterill @yow_conf @jagregory Now I’m tempted to knit one with JAOO on it… 😂

@johnallsopp @smashingmag @heydonworks I should add that we toasted to @malarkey as well. 🙂

RT @neilhimself: Aha! You can get Marvel:1602 by me and Andy Kubert for the Kindle for Cheap ($3). Still proud of this reimagining. https:…

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.