RT @theWebMeetup: What makes a lasting website? @web_goddess reveals all in “My website is old enough to vote” at the next #Web meetup http…
RT @DDDPerth: ICYMI we announced @web_goddess and @gojkoadzic as our keynote speakers this morning! https://t.co/Ljtmq1BoaQ. https://t.co/x…
At long last – @the_patima is kicking off the #localhostAU deployment in Sydney! Great crowd, good food, amazing view at @CampaignMonitor. https://t.co/7BcW6CEn2G
The @yow_conf team is representing at #LocalhostAU! @marlousteh https://t.co/xWU1hfPiif
Heh. @diversionary’s eyebrow pop = 💯 https://t.co/vV2aC8dRz4
Delving into the great philosophical questions of our time with @Brett_Jay at #localhostAU. https://t.co/t6NqQTFRXV
Do the young people not use the term “wireframing” anymore? Serious question. #localhostAU
@malynmawby That’s good. It seems like a lot of designers these days just go straight to finished, glossy UI without intermediate steps.
@localhostAU @diversionary He’s also famously a clone of my husband. 😳 https://t.co/Juj9SnatL4
RT @danielle_binks: Wonder Woman’s General Antiope will be back for Justice League https://t.co/PhMCrJyIut via @TheAVClub
RT @Lunarbaboon: New comic! SWEET! https://t.co/dHCaepJEW6 https://t.co/0HmZBgbgne
RT @GuardianAus: Did you weep watching Wonder Woman? You weren’t alone | Jessica Valenti https://t.co/hGQB3Jhcts