RT @yow_conf: Want to be a speaker? Propose a talk to #yowdata and #yowconnected. CFP open until July 16 https://t.co/fIsR1QzE8t https://t.…
@evanderkoogh @WaiLingKo Quite possibly! Can you email us both so we can find a time?
Melburnians: If you didn’t snag a ticket for @theWebMeetup tonight, you can still see my talk tom. at @wpmelbourne! https://t.co/oOt2yqOWoK
@mattdelves The team at @canva are pretty much always hiring…
I married a guy who uses a spreadsheet and a linear solver to optimize value and minimize unspent points on our bank’s loyalty program. 😂❤️
Big crowd as @RickGiner kicks off #theweb meetup tonight at @Zendesk! @theWebMeetup https://t.co/wZ643ImtmQ
A good spruik for @LASTconf from @brown_note to start his talk! #Web @theWebMeetup https://t.co/f6xwz2qsct
Using Laloux’s model for organisations to gauge performance on your Agile journey. @brown_note @theWebMeetup #Web https://t.co/i8uCiSBRkv
It’s not always about stripping away process. @brown_note says @Aconex add process to create divergent thinking in planning. @theWebMeetup https://t.co/BLWbgJI4Xe
THIS IS AWESOME. @brown_note is using his Q&A time to get critical feedback on his talk. 👏💯 @theWebMeetup
@Mandy_Kerr @fendersperth @Brett_Jay Isn’t that 🤔 ? Is that not everywhere? (@glasnt would know.)
@glasnt @Mandy_Kerr @fendersperth @Brett_Jay Ahh, I get the question mark of death on iPhone. 😭
Hearing about undersleep and the productivity problem from @JamieSkella. Is this your startup culture? Long hours are BAD. @theWebMeetup https://t.co/o3YLJ0WCK9
Huh. I’m a 🐺 married to a 🦁. This makes a lot of sense. #web @JamieSkella @theWebMeetup https://t.co/razdqIHIEj
@cazjade @JamieSkella @theWebMeetup True, true. Just more endemic there.
RT @juniordev_io: 🗯️ Let’s brainstorm on what we can present at Meetups! You have value to add! 💕 @meelijane is joining us to help! https:/…
Managers can’t tell the difference between staff really working 80hrs and those pretending to. @theWebMeetup @JamieSkella https://t.co/wJP2rP3QTl
@theWebMeetup @JamieSkella The fact that my initial response was GREAT, SO FAKING IT TOTALLY WORKS probably indicates that I’m a sociopath, right? 😈
@tcn33 THANK YOU!!!! 😍
@LJKenward @theWebMeetup @Zendesk GOLDEN OLDIES. 🤣🔫
@Cathy9323 @theWebMeetup Famous?! 😂
RT @theWebMeetup: A fantastic start from @web_goddess – talking about her website about Roald Dahl, in 1996. Now 21 years old, it’s old eno…
GOLDEN. OLDIES. 😐 https://t.co/ACrInRWeED
@LizlingC @cazjade @JamieSkella @theWebMeetup It’s changing, but there are still places that perpetuate. I think it keeps ppl from joining industry who might otherwise.
RT @peter8lam: @web_goddess sharing her web site from Dec 1996 … which is still going!
@theWebMeetup @Zendesk #wow #Website #BG (#before…
@candeira @theWebMeetup @JamieSkella YES! I’ve heard presenteeism used a lot. It sucks.
@starbuxman How do you say “Start dot spring dot io” en francais anyway??
@nxdnz @REA_Group 😱 AMAZING!!
@starbuxman I’m picturing you wearing a beret during that.
@bodil I can’t think of any massive, immediate fuckups. Definitely down to luck rather than skill though.
@codepo8 I was recommending you earlier tonight to my friend @JeffreyTheobald, who organises an excellent speaker series in Melbourne. 😉
Melbourne’s scarf game is strong. I’m regretting bringing only one.
Thanks @littlehelper! Your masterful usage of Dahl-speak = 💯😂 https://t.co/7qxqczDIoP
@FrankCharlton When I get in that mood, it’s time to stop reading the Internet and wallowing in How Terrible Everything Is. Take care of yourself…