Just booked in for first ever mammogram, because I have far too many loved ones touched by cancer. @imdominating @TheWonkaTonka @_brigita_
Collected another NO for the speaking rejection pile. *fistpump* “You don’t get a win unless you play in the game…” 🎵
Nice crowd at @pivotallabs to hear Sam Wong from @blackbirdvc talk about diversity. https://t.co/D8aBukW5qD
Wow. Companies with female founders or execs make up 15% of @blackbirdvc’s portfolio but 42% of the value. Diversity = 💰 https://t.co/VhIrHUjMml
@gilmae Wait. Are you at the same thing I am? 😂
Rather than “lower the bar,” re-evaluate selection criteria. @startmate’s criteria was based on history; not what works now. #sydtechtalks https://t.co/ZP1pdyZFae
RT @fbz: i put some of my one-off algorithmic knits up for sale today, for the first time since the kickstarter two years ago https://t.co/…
Changing diversity levels isn’t a one-off task. If you stop doing the work, it’s easy for numbers to backslide. #sydtechtalks
So much of the startup scene comes down to network effect. THESE people are successful; their networks are made up of ppl just like them.
Whole system of relying on referrals and networks ends up reinforcing monoculture. Self-perpetuating cycle…
@tjbyte I think you pretty much have to have one or the other. Changing the status quo requires effort, otherwise it wouldn’t be the status quo.
FRICKIN’ BRILLIANT. Just needs way to upload yourself and a “Dress Me” button. Bravo @hannahcancode! 👏 https://t.co/5I9dtGFH0K
@justintruong Yeah, it’s actually kind of sad that we have to resort to the $ argument. How about just because women are 50% OF HUMANS, right?
RT @LorenaABarba: I just published “How I get gender balance in tech-conference committees” https://t.co/LDuibsZpYD
RT @LE_DeLano: The Harry Potter books, according to Hermione
#pottermore #HarryPotter https://t.co/YBswrVeHDD
Yes, this! Well put, @crankymate. https://t.co/DCeApwYmwc
RT @jessbudd4: This Friday is the last day to apply for @yow_conf’s women-in-tech speaker development program. Get on this ladies! https://…
RT @kylietimpani: This is neat. Submit before this Friday for @yow_conf’s Women in Tech speaker development program! https://t.co/nWIb9SXNJP
RT @zarahjutz: At some point you have to write a CV or a resume (yes they’re different!). @hannahyanfield gives some tips to do it right. #…
@darthted YOW! Data and Connected have open CFPs right now… 🙂
@fox I’ve been shocked how many sponsors are blatant about wanting to buy speaking slots. That must be working for them elsewhere. 🙁
@gilmae We didn’t see puffins when we were there, but I’m pretty sure the restaurant we ate at had them on the menu.
@stringy Oh neat! I hadn’t seen that one specifically, but I recognised immediately that it had to be @videosmithery’s work. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
@videosmithery @stringy I showed your Horse in Motion at knitting camp on the weekend, Sam, and there were literally GASPS. Such a fan of your work!
TFW you look at the latest MUST KNIT project that everybody’s casting on, and think “Really?” https://t.co/yRrB43GzaQ
@liedra There are a couple shawls now that are super popular, and they just don’t appeal to me at all. I’m baffled.
@davidbainaa The comments in reply have left me seriously depressed though. Man, a lot of dudes suck.
@gilmae Nope. (Wait a minute. Which of us is which? 🤔)