Shared today on Twitter

Just had coffee with an amazing Product Manager on the lookout for her next role. If you’re hiring – esp in the US – let me know! 😉

@azadehkhojandi @vaughanknight They’re all GitHub stickers! (I ❤️ that YES WE CODE one…)

@liedra Nah. Find Your Fade. I just don’t get it.

@candeira @davecheney @fox I don’t have any problem when it’s advertised as such. That seems fine.

@MsJonesInSydney @indeed I’ve been given two of these so far this year. Seems like a trend in swag! And yeah, sadly they’re kind of useful.

Really enjoying Lorde’s new album. “They’ll hang us in The Louvre – down the back, but who cares? It’s still The Louvre…”

RT @DaniKBevins: Unclear as to how this is a thing…

#SydJS kicking off and HEY, @thethinkmill is hiring! You should go work for them; they’re great.

@b11webdev @sydjs Did you get in??

@b11webdev @sydjs I waved at @twalve, but I’m not sure he’s bothered. 😂 Tweet when you get here!

Chuckling as @mjackson struggles with Australian download speeds as he demos @unpkg at #SydJS. We know, dude. We know.

A fun math-y talk from @alexandereardon with a great takeaway message. Try different things – you never know where they’ll take you! #SydJS

He’s 2 minutes in, and already @MarcinS is giving me massive late 90′s web nostalgia. Fly out nav! DHTML! #SydJS

He’s actually presenting his slides in Netscape Navigator 2.0 using FRAMESETS. 😲👏 This is amazing. @MarcinS #SydJS

@mobywhale @diversionary @sydjs I miss dithering.

@MarcinS My favourite part is the tiny running clock in the bottom frame. 💯

Great Mefi discussion about underrated kids’ books with serious ❤️ for “The Girl with the Silver Eyes”. @randomknits

@darthted Tweets throughout, please. Some of us have FOMO.

@andykelk Did they not have coffee? Those people look like they need coffee.

RT @yow_conf: Need to understand actual cost to use database types in your solution? Join @lynnlangit workshop in Sydney Sept 15 https://t.…

I know companies that spend, uh, a lot less time on that…. to their detriment.