Shared today on Twitter

@darthted Jacquard Looms! (Are you making a @gilmae joke? 😐)

@jesstelford @Domaincomau @reactjs SCHMICK! Hoping you’ll submit a talk about it for YOW Connected? πŸ˜‰

Really excited that @smamol will be joining us at @yow_conf this December!

RT @HeartOfPluto_: @hackaday thought you might find this entertaining. A vintage domestic knitting machine turned into a printer! https://t…

Saying goodbye to my amazing colourist Santino, who’s moving to Europe. 😭 @noddysonkinghair

@Jo_Burston @gbeattie @blackbirdvc I don’t actually know. There were at least two ex-Canva folks in the audience waiting to see if they’d be mentioned, but they weren’t named.

Ooh, fun! Chippo might get an Escape Room. (As one might guess, the NIMBYs aren’t happy:

@tinypang Development Approval – the thing they have to submit to the council.

@mmastertheone Interesting. I believe @pyko has a blog where she helps review them somewhere…

@FullContact Hi – I’m trialling your app as a replacement for Cloze. I like it so far, but I’m getting 404s today when I edit contacts?

@FullContact It’s really quite unusable. πŸ™ Any idea when this is going to be resolved?

@FullContact Screenshot of error:

@heydonworks Now *that* is an announcement worthy of me reinstalling the app. πŸ™‚

Bookmarking as a source for potential future knitting/dataviz projects…

RT @WorkingFamilies: #TrumpcareInOneSentence

@mseckington @yow_conf Ooh, somehow I missed that. @lucykbain – this is the one I told you about!