Shared today on Twitter

I clearly didn’t leave my coconut yogurt in the sous vide long enough. #firstworldproblems

RT @justinchronicle: A friend of mine, @arle13
presented at @yow_conf about collab. devs and designers.

Definitely worth watching.


RT @ComposeMelb: Compose :: Melbourne CFP is still open, but only for a few more days; we’d love to see your talk! Details here: https://t.…

@ericscheid @gilmae @the_snook But do they have gamified green squares? Because that’s really what prompted all this. 😂

@ericscheid @gilmae @the_snook I’ll have a think about it. I need to figure out if there’s anything in it that’s a security risk to expose.

Little pink and brown jellybean toes… 😻

Massive crowd at Amazon for tonight’s Sydney Machine Learning meetup! #sydml

Audible chuckle as the robot arm moved the spoon of mash towards the poor grad student… 😂 #sydneymachinelearning

Huh. According to AWS speaker, they now have more than 1000 employees working in ANZ region. I did not know that. #sydneymachinelearning

@tomjadams It’s like this stealth infiltration! Where are they hiding them all??

@JennaGuillaume As always, I am HERE for what you’re tweeting. 😆❤️

@JennaGuillaume I started recording Dawson’s Creek off TV because I discovered it includes the original music! DVDs and streaming don’t.

@JennaGuillaume And the Creek had *excellent* late 90′s music throughout the best seasons.

Learning about using weighting to account for biased training data. #sydneymachinelearning

@JennaGuillaume This is happening every Tuesday? HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS. Make some room for me on that bandwagon next week, please and thank you. 😁

I honestly wasn’t expecting it to be that bad. That is *ridiculous*.

@samnewman @darthted I am a bad person for hoping she gets mugged.

@dcotterill @samnewman Oh wow, I didn’t bother with video. I’ve developed selective website video blindness.

“Now everyone has the same ping-pong, vending machines, and micro-kitchens. What’s going to set you apart is how you treat your employees” 🙌

Super fun IoT+gardening project by @deliberatecoder. Suddenly inspired to play with my Arduino hardware again!

@Reidyd @wilshipley Yeah. We’ve had Perl for years. 🙂