Demo of Azure live translation service, which could be a game changer for those in the events business. #MSBuildTour
RT @webdirections: Friday is also the last day of Super Early Bird for #summit (Syd 9-10/11), $200 off + ticket upgrade to Gold: https://t.…
RT @bigyahu: Are you Australia’s best senior tech PR strategist? This has to be the best tech gig in the country, at @canva…
@JennaPrice I had my first last week. Waiting for that letter…
I like the concept, but as a Tetris aficionado, those gaps make my eyes twitch. 😣 #MSBuildTour
“How many people have used containers? Okay, like 5%…” WAT. I am not used to being on the bleeding edge. 😮 #MSbuildtour #notmyusualcrowd
@chr1sl0gan Are there going to be any women involved?
Getting distracted from tech conference by reading latest developments in Binary Capital scandal. And then I look around and see no women. 😕
Okay, that was a lie. I can see four women.
@brettporter I honestly thought I heard the question wrong. If I’ve played with some tech, I tend to assume everyone has. Evidently not!
@rosepowell …and was AMAZING at it. 😁
@Gin_ev_ra Less than 5%. I can see 100+ men.
DevRel sticker swap selfie. #MSBuildTour @forloop @cloudyopspoet @azadehkhojandi
@Pete_Brown @gilmae Yeah, .Net dev friend explained to me during the break. I hadn’t realised it was a new thing for them!
Every release should be heralded by an animated dinosaur ridden by a ninja cat. 💯 #MSbuildtour
RT @ekp: Leading Silicon Valley engineer @triketora explains why every tech worker needs a humanities education htt…
@Gin_ev_ra Actually I saw a lot more in the break. Perhaps I was just seated in a particularly bro-tastic section of audience.
Building Xamarin app and starting with the quintessential example: building a To Do list. #MSbuildtour
@CraigsOverItAll He does have updated robot grasping hands though! 😂
Is there a canonical pronunciation of Azure? So far I’ve heard “azh-oor,” “az-yer,” and “asher,” all from MS folks! #MSBuildTour
Enjoying the highlights of local companies! @thenickrandolph from Built to Roam showing off app they built for @boostjuiceoz. #MSBuildTour
@LJKenward You look great!!
Diversity and inclusion panel at lunch. This is good content – should be on main stage! #MSBuildTour @bigyahu @chr1sl0gan
If you’re looking for diverse candidates, actually GO LOOK FOR THEM. Don’t rely on ppl to self-select and apply based on JD. #MSBuildTour
It’s sometimes hard to make mental switch to “This person is different, and THAT’S GOOD!” – @bigyahu #MSBuildTour
RT @NeedhiBhalla: “We need to value women as much as we value men in the technology industry”
“The culture you start your company with, is the culture you’ll base everything on going forward.” Yep. That’s been my exp. #MSBuildTour
Being structured in your interviewing process helps counter unconscious bias. I totally agree! @laneyvb #MSBuildTour
Confessions from a recovering mansplainer with @bigyahu. @BlueChilliGroup implemented a talking stick for meetings! #MSBuildTour 😂
Interesting. @BlueChilliGroup will be publishing diversity numbers tomorrow, @bigyahu says. (And I just saw the avatar. 👏❤️) #MSBuildTour
The coffee cups have art on them. This pleases me. #MSBuildTour
RT @cameronesposito: Just to recap: I am any Ken u need
Solving the important problems – like building a serverless cat rating application! 👏 😻 @laneyvb #MSBuildTour
That no cat! That’s a pupper! 😂 #MSBuildTour @laneyvb
I spy some @yow_conf stickers there! 🤘👏
@gilmae @laneyvb Computer says no, sadly. Rejected as doggo.
@azadehkhojandi @yow_conf @forloop Thanks Az… 😉
So serverless Logic Apps are… basically just supercharged IFTTT recipes? 🤔 #MSBuildTour
“So it’s a command line tool… that was used to package itself… to install itself.” #appinception #MSBuildTour 😱
Just registered for @futuredirectors “Kickstart your Board Career“. Thanks @bigyahu for recommending!
RT @tonilehelena: There’s a 20-hour Harry Potter movie marathon coming to Sydney in September lol see you there ⚡️
Game development using Surface Dial as input device. (Now where have I seen that before? 🤔) #MSBuildTour
In case you’re wondering if parkour is still a Thing, the dude leaping around the Goods Line right now says YES.