Shared today on Twitter

@teqnomad @theWebMeetup There was a very early version of the talk last year at Sydney WordCamp that has more details of the WP conversion:

@mcflydesign Hodor is more like a state of mind. 🙂

RT @yunginstitution:

My soundtrack for this morning.

@gilmae I need to listen to it again and pay more attention. I must’ve missed that line!

@diversionary – @BanjoMaps is the app I was telling you about the other night, and Anna is the founder:

RT @math_rachel: Don’t just say “she’s not technical enough.” Be specific about your criteria in advance @aprilwens…

Go the noble Hufflepuffs! @i386 😀

Have I personally nagged you to submit for these upcoming @yow_conf events yet? If not, this is it. We want you to share your expertise!

@aurynn @yow_conf I’m not on the Program Committee, but I can definitely put you on the suggested speakers list! Not sure how many invited slots are left…

@evanderkoogh Ha. Most of my talks end up being this anyway. 🙂 “When I was a kid, static site generators WERE CALLED BLOGGER.”

@FakeSamRitchie @evanderkoogh Notepad? PICO OR GTFO.

@FakeSamRitchie @evanderkoogh 👌 🤣

@rosepowell You’ve been infected! There’s no cure.

Join me at @GA’s Women in Digital: Harnessing Your Competitive Advantage – last chance for tickets! Tomorrow night!

@TheRealBnut I was literally sitting on my hands to keep from typing the word “jigsaw”.

“That dude is… older than the principal.” @the_snook is really getting into the spirit of my Dawson’s Creek Season 3 rewatch.

@TheRealBnut One person has liked my tweet – @MelanieCanva!! ☺️ ❤️

Gradient scarf (in progress) and unimpressed cat.