@charis @hj_chen We were talking about you and the amazing job you did with @webconf_asia! 🙂
Attended #sgmakerfaire Summit this morning and heard @dalepd speak about Maker Community. I’m still iffy on Maker vs Crafter semantics tho… https://t.co/CVXqWT10mM
RT @yow_conf: Callout to Sydney #BigData enthusiasts, if you’ve done something interesting, share it as a talk at #YOWData https://t.co/D04…
@Fishburners @annie_parker Congratulations @annie_parker! I’ve long felt @Fishburners could use a little more Wonder Woman. 😉
One last selfie in Chinatown before I fly home… https://t.co/pYvtvjtDGA https://t.co/HVerq75CSj
RT @codepo8: Stop writing PHP like it’s 2009…
@sir_tilbrook You have more @yow_conf gear than I do… 😂
Lovely article from @alexismadrigal on machine learning and how checkers was solved https://t.co/4f6XZ9NCpV
Zero. Zero is the amount of sleep I got on that flight. 😩 (at @SydneyAirport in Mascot, NSW) https://t.co/DyywJoNz8A
Eight degrees. What the shit, Sydney.
At least I’m not the tourist wearing shorts and thongs, I guess.