Shared today on Twitter

LOL I went to ESPN to see predictions for ND v. Temple and scrolled to the comments… πŸ˜‚ @carbocommander

@jnowland @LinkedIn Oh, I changed it to “no.” I should’ve taken the screenshot afterwards. πŸ™‚

It’s like a Cosby sweater gone haywire. 😍 Very very tempted…

@GLITCHAUS What’s the sizing like? How large is Large?

@GRobilliard @lachlanhardy @danmedcraft @stevelikesyou I was at a tech event last night talking to someone griping about recruiters. “Except for Lookahead,” he added grudgingly. “They’re good.” 😘

@saramic Most imp. question – is it hand knit? Check seams inside. Some machine knits will be cut and sewn together, so you won’t get long strands.

@saramic Once you unpick seams, you should be able to unravel from the top downwards (unless it was knitted top-down, in which case reverse).

@saramic Then get or fashion a niddy noddy so you can wind hanks: Give the hanks a soak in the tub to relax the kinks.

@saramic Then wind into new balls and knit away! πŸ™‚

@saramic Here’s a tutorial as well!

RT @mariskreizman: The only all-female reboot I need is the one of this presidency.

RT @IngaPflaumer: It’s official. I am a finalist of “The YOW! Women in Tech Competition”! It’s so amazing!!! thanks, @yow_conf https://t.c…

Congrats to 2017 @yow_conf Women speakers finalists! @IngaPflaumer @KiahHickson @stringy @devdevcharlie & more!

@starbuxman @yow_conf @Doctor_Astro @lynnlangit @ghohpe @mjpt777 Awww, you’re killing me! 😭

RT @wordpressdotcom: For our Australian visitors: we’re proud to support equality for all.

#VoteYes for #MarriageEquality…

@stringy @yow_conf @IngaPflaumer @KiahHickson @devdevcharlie I’m really excited for all of you! You’re gonna get so much out of Damian’s training day. πŸ™‚

@saramic @ravelry Wait – tardis mouse? Haha, you might be looking at someone else’s projects.

@carbocommander Have you figured out how you’re going to watch it? I’ll probably have to find some dodgy Russian stream as usual…

@darthted @gilmae

RT @JordanRinke: We need less hackathons, more apprenticeships. Less bootcamps, more classes. Less rockstars, more mentors. Develop people…

@carbocommander Oh god I just realised it’s on at 5:30am Sunday here. Yeah, that’s not gonna happen. I look forward to waking up to the score. πŸ™‚

@gilmae @darthted But his pedantry is why I liked him. I gotta respect somebody with a code. #prescriptivist4lyfe

@inplaneterms @BernHyland @witqld @prototypo What is this? Whatever it is – congrats Bernadette! πŸ‘