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Pumpkin Spice Latte… deodorant. 2017 is so weird. (@i386 I’m actually tempted to buy for you.) πŸŽƒβ˜ οΈ

RT @SydTechLeaders: We’re back! Next meetup has just been announced. We’re talking to tech leaders who made leap to running businesses. htt…

RT @Kasparov63: Nice, but I have some bad news about using this to defend against the robots…

The schedules are now out for @yow_conf’s upcoming YOW! Data and Connected conferences! πŸ—“

Hey Melbs! @yow_conf is holding a tech workshop for KIDS with @SaraJChipps from @jewelbots! πŸ’ŽπŸ€–β€οΈ Learn more here:

@gilmae I thought you’d like that.

@SaraJChipps @yow_conf @jewelbots Can you bring a Jewelbot for me? I want to do the workshop too! πŸ˜‚

@johnallsopp For some reason I read it as Bell Jar, and I thought you were being very dark in an obscure way. πŸ˜‚

@Squire_Matt @yow_conf On it. Cheers!

@charis Yay! You’ll be fantastic. πŸ™‚

RT @TheTinaVasquez: BLOOP.

@swjest @yow_conf I’m not on the Program Committee, but it looks to be a 3-person tag-team presentation.

@swjest @yow_conf The website doesn’t show that well. It’s a new system; I’ve just raised a bug to the team. So thanks for that!

@dp_lewis @200ok The JIRA equivalent of β€œdid you rule out lupus?” πŸ˜‚

Robots in disguise! Do you see it? (Shadow knitting is basically lenticular.) πŸ€–β€οΈ

Damn – it’s not a video on Twitter. Click through to Insta for the full effect.