Shared today on Twitter

@gilmae Sadly, there is big temptation to monetise community ideas and work. I want women-run businesses to succeed… but this is disappointing.

@gilmae Trying to take the high road (despite subtweets). Best response is just to do my best to keep free, community-run events thriving, right?

@unixbigot @yow_conf Of course – @yow_conf swag is geek high fashion! πŸ€“

Absolutely brilliant, and I will use in my next talk.

Good grief, that is BUSTER BLUTH telling Dawson he’s responsible for euthanising Mr. Brooks. πŸ˜‚

@NicoleWill100 @annie_parker @steveathon @trello @canva just got some too! (Thanks @TheRealBnut for saving me some…) 😁

RT @yow_conf: This is what it’s all about for us at YOW!
Sharing the knowledge wherever and whenever, cuz learning is forever. #yowhk https…