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@dp_lewis 👏 Next stop – French braid!

@supercres First three seasons really grew on me. Some scenes were devastating. “Am I a good person? I need you to tell me that I’m a good person.” 😭

@supercres And now I just accept that I am an unabashed 100% fan of Mr. Peanutbutter.

@supercres I haven’t started Season 4 yet. Glad to see it’s living up to expectations.

@mmastertheone He’s so cute! Even just sitting there. 😂

RT @yow_conf: Our very own @web_goddess will be speaking at DevFest Melbourne 2017 on Oct 21

Polishing my @DDDPerth talk intro over and over. It occurs to me that I put like 20x more effort into intros than conclusions. Anyone else?

We’ve had veggies delivered from @OooobySyd for several yrs – organic, local, & good quality. Highly recommended! 7N6X32 code gets you $20.

@starbuxman @yow_conf Hope you’re feeling okay today! 😱