Holy crap. Another reason to be glad we left England: a study of air quality in the UK has determined that breathing the air around Hammersmith – which is, oh, where we lived and worked for two years – is equivalent to smoking 27 cigarettes a day. No wonder I didn’t develop hayfever in London… My nose and lungs were completely coated in crap!
2 responses to “Cor blimey, my lungs!”
From the first two lines of that table, Glasgow City Chambers air has twice the pollutant ppB and mg/m3 of Aberdeen, but this represents just 14.6 Glaswegian cigarettes as opposed to 13.4 Aberdonians. Glasgow cigs must be nearly twice as dangerous as the ones sold in Aberdeen.
Hehe it’s well known that one of the streets in Glasgow where a lot of buses go up is one of the most polluted streets in the UK.