@gilmae It was!
My amazing friend @shvedma introducing the next speaker at #YOWData! Be sure to check out @GGDSydney. https://t.co/QkgpvWkrFV
Hearing @mck_sw talk about his experiences with big data and microservices working for largest Scandinavian classifieds co. #YOWData https://t.co/ee8UALTJ2k
My old colleague Richard Morwood is going to tell us about using AWS for near real time video game analytics. #YOWData https://t.co/i059EAzTvh
Richard gets a chuckle by pointing out the weirdness of the term “serverless.” 😂 #YOWData https://t.co/eW88GV8FBs
@unixbigot As someone currently stuck on a too hard level in a game, I wish more game devs did this.
Massive unsolicited spruik for AWS Athena from Richard, who is a big fan. He’s giving us SO MUCH INFORMATION in a short talk! #YOWData https://t.co/jCOsZQ2Wwd
Natalia from @Data61news giving an intro to graphs before jumping into graph analytics. #YOWData https://t.co/Rwn2ZCCvhq
I’ve been looking forward to hearing @sausheong speak for 6+ months! He’s visiting us all the way from @SPGroupSG! #YOWData https://t.co/I5FWama0gT
@phoebegoh They’re all being recorded! Will be on YouTube eventually.
Learning about Lambda and Kappa architectures from @radek1st. Helpful comparison info! #YOWData https://t.co/9uYGObzc51
Protip for tech speakers: be like @radek1st. Recording demo and narrating it is so much easier than live coding! #YOWData https://t.co/AeURngLJ4A
@battlepanda_au @radek1st It’s been recorded! Will go up on YouTube at some point.
Deep dive into writing better R code from Ondrej Ivanič at CBA… #YOWData https://t.co/m3RN3CE7e2
Next up is @yow_conf veteran @unixbigot telling us about IoT and data at scale. (I liked the footnote in his intro.) 😂 #YOWData https://t.co/OyqDneWVAh
“Should we be paying our dishwashers a living wage?” @unixbigot asking the hard questions at #YOWData. https://t.co/4iXmeoCNsF
Bluetooth – don’t chew on biros. 😂 @unixbigot #YOWData https://t.co/pHrVlAHOjB
Honestly, if you want a great IoT speaker for your conference, you should invite @unixbigot. Funny, smart, and entertaining! https://t.co/iuyKr1Jpz1
Daniel from @EPICentreUNSW telling us about some of the cool visualisation toys he gets to play with at @UNSW. #YOWData https://t.co/XqI5cwVvCi
“Visualisation… transforms the symbolic into the geometric.” Well put. #YOWData https://t.co/uZU7BbrqMS
Daniel’s talk is making me want to re-read Flatland… #YOWData https://t.co/uya9QAXqfP
Fascinating and beautiful examples of a geometric approach to data visualisation. #YOWData https://t.co/Tq9pcxLA7L
Heh. @ramanbob’s vintage @yow_conf 2012 t-shirt nearly distracted me from spotting @JeffreyTheobald in his team photo. 😂 #YOWData https://t.co/SLRL1bMKp9
@lyynx @msandfor Whaaaa. @antonemdin – I am disappoint. I am a PATRON and recognised your art immediately! 😂
Zendesk Data Product team worked to break down silos and have single product teams. Ratio changes whether in prod or research. #YOWData https://t.co/U2Ai07x9T3
@minxdragon The photo makes it look like you’re on the cover of YOW! MAGAZINE. 😁
Last talk of the day is @aaronmorton from @TheLastPickle talking about IoT and Apache Cassandra. “I might be a little biased…” 😂 #YOWData https://t.co/M8uVh6xx0z
More tech talks should describe availability and consistency using 🐶 and 🐱. #YOWData @aaronmorton https://t.co/yrbqHwpdJ1
Protip for tech speakers: use GIANT text for code like @aaronmorton. Everyone in audience can read it easily. 👏 #YOWData https://t.co/EiNbXW7z6k
Highlight of the day was definitely scoring a 3-D printed Lanyard Looper from the inventor himself, @unixbigot! https://t.co/ze6voJrYFa
RT @ADuckIsMyFiend: Going to be speaking about street names at #yowdata tomorrow. Also going to be talking about them at @linuxconfau next…
@ADuckIsMyFiend @linuxconfau Got selected? YAYYY awesome!
Upcoming @yow_conf events for the remainder of 2017! Don’t forget to submit for the CTO Summits… #YOWData https://t.co/2qmza0W4qZ
Really excited to have @jessetanderson here from the US to talk about Apache Beam! #YOWData https://t.co/lfIqtjsbLw
RT @unixbigot: First up at #YOWData @jessetanderson hypnotizes the audience YOU WILL USE APACHE BEAM.
Also note @HealthHackAu is coming up in Sydney in November! I’ll be a judge. You should sign up to participate. https://t.co/f4N00axaij https://t.co/hpPL9vqIGv
There are far too many big data frameworks and technologies out there. Beam means you don’t have to rewrite code. #YOWData @jessetanderson https://t.co/ToK4Sjy00n
How to amuse geeks – sneak in a Star Wars reference in your code examples. 😂 #YOWData @jessetanderson https://t.co/ME0Kf32wpM
From Star Wars to Star Trek references… it’s all happening at #YOWData! @nomiddlename talking about image recognition for non-experts… https://t.co/qEJ3aXQgXs
Learning how ad networks work. “…because the relentless acquisition of material goods keeps us from staring into the abyss.” 😂 #YOWData https://t.co/BAkEwEe5ch