Shared today on Twitter

The second #YOWData talk on Apache Beam. And hey, @BonaciDavor brought stickers!

Current state of the Beam ecosystem from @BonaciDavor. #YOWData

Next up: @joycexinyuewang from @Data61news explaining how to deal with covariate shift and selection bias in machine learning. #YOWData

Great example of using active learning to correct covariate shift from @joycexinyuewang at #YOWData!

Roman from @QuantiumAU walking us through a “simple” conversion from batch processing to streaming. “We thought it would be fun!” 😂 #YOWData

“So this was technically true, but practically useless. … We weren’t having much fun with streaming at this point.” 😂 #YOWData

@_ananth_ Are you here? Please come say hello!!

RT @ADuckIsMyFiend: Back at #yowdata time to learn more about spark

@_ananth_g Hey! Are you here? You’re on third this session. 🙂

Learning about how Spark fits in to a machine learning lifecycle from @j_houg. #YOWData

A real world example from @j_houg on using ML to predict customer churn. #YOWData (I like the 🐠 metaphor!)

Between @j_houg’s pickle slides and our speakers from @TheLastPickle, seriously regretting that lunch didn’t include pickles. #YOWData

Protip for big data speakers from @j_houg: make sure images are blue and use binary. 😂 is a great source! #YOWData

Fascinating case study from @a4dev about capturing metrics from an electrical network. #YOWData

Sometimes a simple example turns out not so simple. A data analysis story in 4 parts from @a4dev… #YOWData

Learning about Apache Apex from @_ananth_g at #YOWData…

RT @GDGMelbourne: Come and see Kris Howard @web_goddess from Yow! on “Leaving the Tech Industry Better than We Found It” #devfest17 https:/…

Final #YOWData session being introduced by PC chair @delitescere. We want YOU to submit next year!

Honest talk about the archetypes of data pipeline builders and how they can work together. 😂 #YOWData @YRodenski

RT @unixbigot: From @yrodenski at #YOWData “I live in Melbourne, because I value coffee over weather”

Live coding! @YRodenski is giving us a demo of using Apache Amaterasu to deploy a data pipeline. #YOWData

The beard is back! @mck_sw is talking to us about Zipkin and the need for tracing across systems. #YOWData

It’s finally time! @ADuckIsMyFiend is taking us on a road trip to find the most popular street name in Australia. #YOWData 🛣🚘

@tcn33 @ADuckIsMyFiend You’ll have to watch the video when it comes out! 😉 Or come see it when she does it again at @linuxconfau

RT @unixbigot: That was an electrifying closing presentations at #YOWData from @ADuckIsMyFiend. Well done!

Two more YESses. Come on, Australia. #voteyes 🏳️‍🌈❤️

Tired of your conference badge hanging too low? @unixbigot has invented a 3-D printed Lanyard Looper!

@nomiddlename …aaaand suddenly I realised why you looked familiar to me. Should’ve worn the Joker makeup. 🙂

Sydney folks: Spots still available for #yownight with @sveta_isakova on 09/26! Do better with Kotlin. @SydKotlin

@Lackadazy You could do it in a weekend! Hardest part would be finding the gradient-dyed wool.

@Lackadazy That’s one way! (I’ll also be fundraising for ovarian cancer research via Frocktober next month. Perhaps an arrangement can be worked out…)

Will I make it to the @VirginAustralia bag drop in time? Never left it this close before. Not good. 😨

@MichelePlayfair LOVE IT.

Thanks @MichelePlayfair for the tip! I love this. ⚾️ knitting!!

RT @alyankovic: Looks like I’m playing the Hollywood Bowl again this year. This time as an Oompa Loompa.

WOOO! Won my game of airport chicken. 💃🛫

RT @lottejackson: “Three things you don’t need to become a speaker” by @fox

@VirginAustralia I made it! Currently chilling in the lounge. #winning

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.