Matt from @ultrawebsites and @MelbMobile will be introducing the next session in the green room at #YOWconnected! @KloudSolutions
Getting an overview of the evolution of Mixed Reality tech and standards from @nambor at @awe_media. #YOWConnected
“Being too early is indistinguishable from being wrong.” @nambor’s heard that quote far too many times, and he’s sick of it. 😂 #YOWconnected
Demo of Milgram’s Mixed Reality continuum running in the web browser. *mindblown* @nambor #YOWConnected
“Pinkeye is probably the biggest undiscussed issue in the VR industry.” 😂 @nambor on the importance of washable headsets. #YOWconnected
A lot of effort is poured into head mounted displays, but you can target much larger audience with less effort using browser. #YOWConnected
My old @canva colleagues @shipra_ships and @jeamesbone talking i18n at #YOWConnected. (Using @canva to present too!) #dogfooding
Really good, practical info on i18n processes, acronyms, and tools from @shipra_ships. @canva #YOWConnected
Now digging into code. @jeamesbone on how to best use NSLocalizedString for i18n in iOS apps. @canva #YOWConnected
Translations can introduce layout issues, as @canva learned when they launched their app in Russian. #YOWConnected @jeamesbone
RT @nambor: @web_goddess But @timoreilly is only right if you give up too soon! 8) #YOWConnected
Learning about refactoring code to split UI and data model, and use Android Data Binding Library to massively simplify! @mklin #YOWConnected
RT @itgirljs: I’ve never had an error message speak to me so deeply 💀
Practical example for using 2-way binding to build a colour-picking spinner widget. @mklin #YOWConnected
RT @inplaneterms: Anyone in Brisbane making robots need a designer? Ping me! Inspired by @sammy_lee12 talking about #arduino and #robots #y…
Awkward looks as phone timer goes off during @mklin’s talk. “Oh, good grief, THAT’S MINE!” he says, rushing to silence it. 😂😂😂 #YOWConnected
@unixbigot @inplaneterms @sammy_lee12 👋 Can I come play too?!?!
@ultrawebsites Thank you!!
DAMMIT! Missed out on the Nintendo Switch to @StewGleadow, who wasn’t even in the room! 😡 #YOWconnected
@the_nathanjones @StewGleadow HE DIDN’T REALISE HE WAS IN THE COMPETITION. 😂
He didn’t even realise he’d entered a contest. 🤦♀️ @StewGleadow #YOWConnected
Our good friend @mark_sabbatical introducing today’s keynote speaker – @SaraJChipps from @jewelbots!! #YOWConnected
So excited to hear from @SaraJChipps! She started coding at 11, and her company @jewelbots aims to get girls into STEM. #YOWConnected
Products for preteen boys dominated by tech-related brands (LEGO, Nintendo, etc) but for girls there’s a big gap. #YOWConnected @SaraJChipps
RT @unixbigot: Tweenage girls run the world, says @SaraJChipps. They select our future media and tech stars. But education builds them out…
Demoing @jewelbots with @mnemote and @LukeSleeman! #YOWconnected
OMG little 3rd grader Clara Lau is presenting why she loves @jewelbots AND I AM DYING. “Coding is fun!” 😭 #YOWConnected
Seriously, I might cry.
“Now, you need to instantiate some classes…” – Clara, who, I repeat, is in year 3 😭❤️😭❤️😭 #YOWConnected
@stibbons She’s now wrapping it in a for loop.
Suddenly questioning not having kids. I ❤️ this girl.
@JenSMcNeil She’s apparently been coding in C++ for some time. This room is spellbound.
RT @inplaneterms: Best Keynote Ever: Clara Lau, 8 years old, C++ coder on the celebration of children #STEM #jewelbots ✊️Well played #YOWCo…
RT @shipra_ships: A young Year 3 girl giving programming demo at YOW! Connected – this is so freaking awesome! #YOWconnected #girlsinstem #…
My new goal in life is to be as good a presenter and coder as Clara. #YOWConnected
Now back to talking about hardware. Hearing about challenges with materials, selecting chip, integrations, etc. @SaraJChipps #YOWconnected
@mark_sabbatical @SaraJChipps @jewelbots @noopkat Yes, thank you @noopkat! Wish you were here… 😻
@TheRealBnut It was! It’ll go up on YouTube eventually. It was so good.
LOL. Sorry everyone; @LukeSleeman tweeted me but I missed it. 😂 #YOWconnected
I think having a middle-aged woman fangirl all over her freaked her out. 😂
Learning about SEO and Universal Links in apps from @ChaiseHock. Google Maps and @REA_Group do it particularly well! #YowConnected
@TheRealBnut I heard a rumour @kouky’s having a kid. I expect to see her/him presenting a live Swift demo in < 5 years. 🙂
Ahhh, Deep Links and Universal Links are *not* the same. I did not know that. #YOWconnected @ChaiseHock
Interesting. @ChaiseHock showed us how to peek at publicly available apple-app-site-association files, like Google’s. #YOWConnected
@kouky @TheRealBnut CONGRATULATIONS!!! 👍😁
Final session in Red room at #YOWConnected kicking off! @whereismytaco from @devops_melb is trackhosting…
There are 700 ppl at @seekjobs in Melbourne… and only six showers. And summer is coming. 😱 #YowConnected @Hatchman76
“The Level 5 Problem” – 85% of the ppl on floor are guys, all sharing same facilities. Leads to, uh, issues. 😂💩 #YOWConnected @Hatchman76
Everybody loves data, but how many companies know how long it takes employees to 💩? “We do!” – @Hatchman76 @seekjobs 😂 #YOWConnected
@inplaneterms @Hatchman76 @seekjobs It’s less creepy in context. 😂
@evanderkoogh @unixbigot @SaraJChipps You get the YOW emails. READ THEM, DUDE!
Code, architecture diagrams, and an actual DIORAMA. See? It’s not just scatalogical puns. This is a serious tech talk. #YOWConnected
Data visualisation from the Comfort SEEK app. Useful for building facilities folks and office planners. #YOWConnected
@yow_conf @Hatchman76 @seekjobs It appears to be anonymised and aggregated. 😂
Great illustration of @whalec’s point about deliberately crappy POC’s. Comfort SEEK app is now being wired up properly! #YOWConnected
BUNTING. @knightstickc kicking off the final session at #YOWConnected!
Now I know all about Yackandandah! #yackfacts #YOWConnected @knightstickc
More #yackfacts! The town holds the record for the longest bunting in the world. 🔻🔻🔻🔻 #YOWConnected
1st yr – learned Swift & built iOS app. Initially got rejected due to unmoderated Insta feed but they managed to fix in time! #YowConnected
2nd yr – learned Android and built app. Success! Until testing on actual devices caused crashes. Fixed… then suspended! #YOWconnected
LOLOL. @LukeSleeman to the rescue! One more last hurdle. Do you see it? 😂 #YOWConnected
Starting a side project will help you learn new things and practice skills, no matter how experienced you are. @knightstickc #YOWConnected
BEST FRIENDS FOREVER. 😍 @mnemote @LukeSleeman @jewelbots #YOWConnected
@knightstickc I’m honestly disappointed your hashtag didn’t trend. #yackfacts #YowConnected
TFW you realise you’ve worn a lanyard 5 out of the last 7 days. 😳
@servantofchaos If so, count me in. #grammarsnob
RT @shenahcarhoon: it was a balmy night briefly tonight so
@desplesda @The_McJones @kbuttfield @parisba @TheMartianLife Holy shit. Glad you’re okay! We were all thinking of you guys at Connected.
@knightstickc OHDEARGOD. On my iPhone, it only showed the ones from the last year… which were my 3. It did not show the older ones. #eyebleach
RT @knightstickc: Having now done both, speaking at a developers conference, and playing a metal show are not as different as you think #YO…
@declan_hart Glad you could join us!!
@FakeSamRitchie Thanks for coming Sam!
@nambor @yow_conf Glad you could make it!
Sydney is sold out! Don’t miss your chance to hear @sveta_isakova, Brisbane. 👍
SQUEEEE @jewelbots workshop is kicking off and I have my very own! Thanks @SaraJChipps.
@gilmae You’re doing it again! That’s so lovely. Thank you. (I’m in Melbourne so I’m missing this one again. 😭 )