@MichelePlayfair Aussie companies are working on these tools right now. I’m excited! Every layer of abstraction is scary, but things are too complex now
Day 6. Liberty shirt dress. #frocktober #frocktober2017 https://t.co/llv8yGnC5F https://t.co/qKTO17l1yq
@Malarkey All. your. fault.
Only one week until @GGDSydney #shehacks Sydney! 50+ technical women writing code and building cool stuff. https://t.co/6w9uNYKChX
@sarahcalverley Wrong #shehacks. 🙂
RT @cramforce: Your hero and the person that should be your hero in a Twitter thread https://t.co/EWMBLotH7a
The New Midlife Crisis – Why (and How) It’s Hitting Gen X Women. Yeah, this. Come on, U-curve. https://t.co/Zq0PoGbCg3
@imdominating Whoa, really?
@imdominating When you get to the really cool building that JF Sebastian lives in – Rodd and I visited it in LA!