Day 18. Laurel dress. #madebyme #frocktober #frocktober2017
RT @yow_conf: With the YOW! CTO Summit CFP extended to 29 Oct, you have a little more time to work on your submission…
Hey Melbourne. If you haven’t gotten your @yow_conf ticket, I highly suggest you do it ASAP – or don’t come crying to me when they’re gone!
@frostickle @yow_conf Heh. I reported that one the other day. Thanks for the investigation – will pass to our webmaster!
@tobermatt And yet it appears you did not submit one for mine, Matt. 😐
@frostickle @yow_conf Should be fixed now! Thanks for prompting. 🙂
@IngaPflaumer 🔥
@mmastertheone 😂 Well sure, if you’re gonna use your EYES to hack their super secret info…
RT @lynnlangit: at @yow_conf in Oz this Dec? DM me 4 speaker discount (conf & workshop) codes. Also, I’ll be co-keynoting w/@allPowerde…
@kosamari It’s fantastic! I found it better at home while knitting with a glass of wine though. 🙂
😫 Same website, same browser. Left: MacPro. Right: MacAir. Items out of order on Air. YOU’RE KILLING ME, CSS. (Is it the Retina?)
@msharp You’re right – pulling in the Air a bit, they rearrange themselves correctly.
RT @HealthHackAu: Spend a weekend tackling #health problems @healthhackau! It’s great fun, you’ll get free food and meet heaps of new peopl…
@gilmae Wow. Stunned. I met him two years ago; had no idea.
@gilmae Your new smiling avatar is freaking me out. Are you being held prisoner? Try to signal with emoji
Day 19. Washi dress. #madebyme #frocktober #frocktober2017
@The_McJones 😂 C’est la vie.
Heading to Melbs to speak at @gdgmelbourne #devfest17! (@ Gate 32 (T2) in Mascot, NSW, NSW)
@transprogrammer That sucks. ☹️