@bodil It’s getting to that point.
Lots of good tips from @willmendesneto as he walks us through best practices for shared modules in Angular. #devfest17 @gdgmelbourne https://t.co/KUnOQ2rVdC
RT @adamjmoussa: *wipes away tear* we did it. we completed the Gay Agenda https://t.co/OYxXh4PtPW
Some stealth Android marketing at @gdgmelbourne #devfest17. 😂🍪 https://t.co/njMxRPUc4P
“Why use Material Design? Because I’M REALLY BAD AT UX.” 😂 @willmendesneto #devfest17 @gdgmelbourne
RT @GlobeAbraham: Her daughter said something offensive on Facebook. Ugly hordes descended. Her life is wrecked. 2017.
Just noticed that @zarahjutz dressed appropriately for her talk on data binding through Plaid. 💯👏😂 #devfest17 @gdgmelbourne https://t.co/H54aoDsFY1
RT @andrew_ke11y: Great mix of cultures, genders and age groups at #DevFest17 Melbourne. The community here is great and the organisers hav…
Very helpful of @zarahjutz to share the caveats and things she found confusing in her journey with data bindings. #devfest17 @gdgmelbourne https://t.co/e1zwmI1TJU
Antidote to today’s tech industry disillusionment: these awesome kids from @coderdojomelb driving robots and using AI. #DevFest17 ❤️ https://t.co/qqNKdcXRE2
Good call by #DevFest17 organisers to swap the rooms. Seems like Cloud & ML are drawing the really big crowds today! @gdgmelbourne https://t.co/w0lt0da4AQ
Voice assistants are fascinating – but WHY are the voices all women? We heard “Personal Chef” example that was downright sultry. #DevFest17
Seriously, male devs, if Iron Man can have a male-voiced AI assistant, so can you.
Or better yet – no gender. It’s a damn robot. Why impose gender roles on them at all?
@mmastertheone I’ve read various articles about it. I suspect the “helpful secretary” analogy is a big part of it.
@Kalonica_ @msandfor @_VRTOV_ Hello! 👋 I’m running an Art + Tech miniconf at LinuxConfAU in Jan. In case you’re interested in speaking… https://t.co/cdZhsnAPyG
@msandfor @Kalonica_ @_VRTOV_ I’ve been told mine will be on Tuesday the 23rd of Jan!
@kaoudis I’m reminded of Jane, who eventually got a body and married a guy. Because… Mormons, I guess. 🤷♀️ https://t.co/EWK2qiQNQs
@Reidyd Same. Mine is an English butler. 😂
“Yes, there are servers. I don’t give a toss about them (and neither should you).” @polleyg talking data pipelines #devfest17 @gdgmelbourne https://t.co/xKwAkP7Sbk
.@polleyg namechecks @lynnlangit: “Big query is SQL-as-a-Service.” Lynn’s coming back for @yow_conf in November! #DevFest17 @gdgmelbourne https://t.co/rN0o5gJQ7C
@starbuxman Wait. You want to unfollow me? 😢
@starbuxman Ahhh. Some sort of “Clean Slate” reset button. That seems like a useful thing.
@bazscott Yeah. Google have apparently just added a male voice. Alexa is female-only though.
Somebody at #devfest17 said “I’m looking for a job. Know anyone hiring?” I replied, “You want to talk to @tcn33 at @LookaheadSearch NOW.”
Day 20. Lady Skater dress #madebyme and Devo hat #notmadebyme. 😂 #frocktober #frocktober2017 https://t.co/MmLpfeA1L2 https://t.co/j0TNoaoJhr
Perfect follow-on to my talk – @shelleglee giving practical tips to improve the code base for the next developer. #devfest17 @gdgmelbourne https://t.co/nuJeUgAUml
RT @polleyg: Just what the doctor ordered – having the pleasure of hearing @web_goddess talk about being a better dev. #devfest17 https://t…
👋 https://t.co/tpSG1KvRg5 https://t.co/9ITq4NDJPg
RT @arheio: You’ve seen her tweet, now see her present! @web_goddess on “The Campsite Rule” leaving the tech industry better than we found…
Observe the DRY Principle: Don’t repeat yourself. “Which is different from the WET Principle… Write it Every Time.” 😂 @shelleglee #DevFest17 https://t.co/esOZWOnZVM
@nathanieloffer Alexa doesn’t have male yet, and Google only just got it. The defaults are always women for some reason. 😕
@mmastertheone They usually have Moomin stuff actually! I’m a sucker for it. 😂
Not gonna lie – no comments does make me feel uncomfortable. @shelleglee makes good point that clean code shouldn’t need them. 🤔 #devfest17 https://t.co/A0vjKrbv6T
RT @polleyg: “The worst code, is commented out code. DELETE IT!” Good advice from @shelleglee from @Xero. #DevFest17
RT @planetsuzie: Mentoring is the ultimate campfire rule for tech – great for you & great for the industry @web_goddess #DevFest17 #loveit…
Massive congrats to @andrew_ke11y for winning the grand prize @yow_conf ticket! #DevFest17 https://t.co/83GIr9iqQg
Another fantastic entry in the photo series I call “Kris gurns during a presentation.” 😂 Thanks @arheio. https://t.co/9ITq4NDJPg
@PeterMHoward I keep wanting to say thank you to my Google Home.
In a cab rushing to Melbourne Airport. Thank you @gdgmelbourne for inviting me today! ❤️ to the #DevFest17 organisers and attendees.
@georgiecel @nicholascooke Congrats! ❤️ to you both.
@MichelePlayfair @shelleglee She did great! Made you all proud.
Decided to skip Fibre Fest – sorry @KnitGuildNSW. I’ve said yes to too many things lately and I need this day to rest and prepare.
RT @delitescere: Come hear Aaron speak #cto @yow_conf @ctosummit Better yet, submit a talk! https://t.co/oHzsF4TiZI
RT @j_houg: My talk from @yow_conf on the ways Spark can fit into real ML workflows is now on YouTube: https://t.co/JTncop50D4 #yowdata.
TBH I feel the same way about dyeing my hair. I have fantasies about shaving it all off to see who is underneath. https://t.co/AaYyiSk3kG https://t.co/lrvGwjb3GC